The Only Page Of This Book

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Writer's block- a horrible part of being someone who loved writing stories.

I stared at the tiny mountain of words on my page over and over again, looking for a grammatical error or some sort. I scratched my forehead for the millionth time, putting my face into my hands and rocking my leg back and forth in annoyance.

I looked at my table. I should really clean it one of these days... I sighed and put my head back in my hands. I scrolled over the other documents. My boredom, not helping me at all. Mom calls me down to look for something, I go and come back into my room.

Some CD's she told someone to hide apparently.

I did a thing with my finger, I do not really remember what its called but either way it does not matter. Damn it I keep making grammatical errors but I keep fixing them. No wonder I can't find those errors or mom's CD's. I breathed in and out- a poor attempt to clear my mind of any clutter that did not exist in that moment.

I stared at my sketchbooks and sighed- art block is even worse than writer's block because its a horrendously beautiful pun. HAH I AM A GENIUS! I laughed at myself in my head and then I went back to moping at my poor unfinished documents.

I should actually be studying and not doing this... what was I doing again? Oh right. Stupid unfinished stuff I, decided to look at for a while. AAAAAAH GREAT. What the hell even is this thing I decided to write. Why did I think this would have been a good idea.

Whatever. I guess it keeps my account on wattpad online. How does that even work? It doesn't apparently.

I wanted to groan aloud right now but the stupid toothache, society being the decider of normality and insane things- restricted me. Even if I was in my own house. Yep. That is all I am going to write.

I hope I can get a story up soon. Ah... geez.

Writer's BlockWhere stories live. Discover now