Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter XIII)

Start from the beginning

Vasagius snatched the knife from her hands.  "Pathetic."  He whirled around and slashed Stahl's throat without a moment's hesitation; callously watching as his faithful servant sunk to the floor gasping for air.  Vasagius turned on Nylana.

Shouts came from outside as men hurried about.  Distracted, Vasagius ran out of the tent.  Flames spread throughout his camp consuming his armory and catapults.

"Get those fires out," shouted Vasagius.  He grabbed a man running past.  "Watch her."

Soon after Vasagius left, a black shape grabbed the man about the shoulders and bashed his face in.

"Narúl," called Nylana.

Narúl pulled a cloak out from under his own and wrapped it around Nylana while pushing her outside.  Together they ran along the edges of the encampment past men trying to put the fires out.  One noticed them.  Quickly, Narúl grabbed his weapon wrenching it from the man's hands before dispatching him.

Nylana pulled them to a halt.  She had noticed a man stripped to his waist tied to a beam. 

"Lord Trisk."  Nylana ran to him with Narúl close behind.  "He still breathes."

Narúl pushed Nylana back while he pulled out his sword.  With great strength he hacked at the bonds until they fell away.  Hastily, Narúl put Lord Trisk around his shoulders while directing Nylana to the nearby woods.  They bolted through the camp going unnoticed by those battling the spreading fire.

"Do not stop," said Narúl as they ran.

Nylana obeyed following Narúl's directions until they had left Vasagius' camp far behind.

 *                  *                  *

 Ryk yanked on the strap as he fastened a saddle to a horse in the dead of night refusing to stand idly by while Nylana was in danger.  He did not know Vasagius, but he understood how men like him thought.  He knew well what Vasagius would do to her.

"Going someplace?" asked Tabs as he appeared from the shadows.

"What makes you say so?"

"Oh, I don't know.  A packed horse.  You saddling it while others sleep," replied Tabs, "I'd say that you intend to disobey Galdin's orders and go after the fair princess yourself."

"No one is stopping me this time."  Ryk finished securing the strap.

"Are you sure?" asked Tabs.

Ryk eyed the cat warily.

"What if I were to do this?" 

Instantly, Tabs leapt at the horse landing on the rump of the animal digging his claws in.  The horse reared up on its hind legs neighing loudly and ran off.  Tabs let go before it got too far.

The cat burst into song, as was his custom.  "Oh, I stopped the foolishness of Ryk—Please don't hit me with that stick!"  The orange tabby squirted away a few feet just as Ryk snatched a stick and headed for him.

"What are you doing here?" demanded Ryk.

"Galdin asked me to keep an eye on you," replied the cat.  "I know you feel that you need to rush off and save your beloved, but I implore you to remain here.  Magi says that Narúl will find her.  You must trust him."

"It appears I have little choice."

Ryk tossed the stick away and stalked off in frustration.

Tabs watched him go twitching his whiskers as he pondered the behavior of people.  "Humans are so frustrating," commented the cat to the night sky.

 *                  *                  *

 "Please stop," Lord Trisk begged as they ran through the valley.  Gently, Narúl laid him on the ground.

"We're almost there," said Nylana as she held her flask for the man to drink from it.

Coughing, Lord Trisk shook his head.  "It is too late for me.  Go.  Leave me."

"I left you behind once," said Nylana, "I'll not do it again."

"You don't have a choice."  Lord Trisk seized Nylana's arm with his bony fingers.  "There is something strange at work here.  Vasagius is not the one leading this invading force.  Another is in charge—one close to you.  One whom you all trust."

  Another fit of coughing racked Lord Trisk's body before it stopped suddenly.  Nylana held his face toward her finding only his lifeless eyes.  Carefully, she brushed her hand over them closing them.  "I'll not leave you here."

She stood up, lifting Lord Trisk's body onto her shoulders.  Narúl stopped her with his hand.  With great care, he put the man upon his shoulders motioning for Nylana to walk ahead of him.

"I will carry him," Narúl said.

  Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

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