Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter V)

Start from the beginning

"If you can carry a tune," snorted Galdin.

Tabs whacked him in the face with his tail.  He noticed Ryk reaching for a cup of water.  "Here," he said pushing the drink to the man, "Have a drink on me."

"There's fur in it," said Ryk.

"I said it was on me," replied Tabs.

"That's not all that's on you," grumbled Magi.

Uriel chuckled to himself.

A soft note hit Ryk's ears.  He looked over and noticed Nylana cleaning the dishes while she hummed to herself, content to be ignored.  "What are you singing?"

Nylana looked at him.  "Nothing."

"I want to hear it, please," said Ryk.

"Please just tell him otherwise he will never shut up and I will never get any sleep," Magi blurted out.

Galdin thumped her on the head which garnered him a hiss as she stalked off.

"There is a cat that does not appreciate a good song," commented Tabs as he pointed at Magi.

"Not when it comes from you," retorted Magi.

Ryk shushed them.  "Please," he said to Nylana.

Nylana settled beside him, relenting.  "It is a song about when Queen Amborese married Scypher."

"Sing it for us," said Ryk.

Nylana obliged.

"To thee I pledge my love and hope,"

said Scypher to his queen.

"And I to you; my love and hope,"

quoth the noble Amborese.

And thus was born the age of peace.

The short melody only took a moment to recite.  No one said a word.  Nylana stood up and walked away.  "You should sleep," she told Ryk.

"We all should," said Valn stretching out.

Galdin picked up his sword prepared to take first watch when Uriel stopped him.  "Sleep.  No one will dare attack you this night.  Not with a dragon here."

Not one to argue with a dragon, Galdin found a remote area to stretch out and fell fast asleep.

A crisp morning dawn woke everyone from their slumber.  Uriel still stood over them poised in a watchful stance.  He watched as they each sat up and packed their belongings.

"Morning to you all," said Uriel.  "I will take my leave now.   But I am certain we will meet again as you always seem to need my services."

The dragon spread his massive wings and took off without another word.

"Not much for good-byes, is he?" said Tabs.  "Well, Galdin, I am famished.  Rustle me up some grub."

A scowl appeared on Galdin's face at being ordered about by a cat.  He remained silent as he bent down and dug through the moist dirt until he found what he looked for.  Kneeling before the cat, Galdin held out his palm to Tabs allowing him to see the grub he had pick up.  "Your breakfast, sir."

Tabs wrinkled his noise in disgust.  "Apparently I must have a word with the cook."

The cat stalked off as Galdin dropped the squirming grub.

"Oh, a grub he thinks I shall eat," sang Tabs as he walked, "But my claw he shall meet."

The others chuckled to themselves.

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