Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 3, Chapter III)

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"Only a fool would keep you in their confidences and I have no further use for you."

The cloaked figure stepped closer.  "Really?  It was I who brought you to this land.  It was I who enabled you to pass through unnoticed."

"Fo which I will always be grateful," mocked Vasagius, "But I never keep a man around who might turn on me and you would certainly do so.  I want you gone and if you ever show your face in my presence again, I will kill you." 

Suddenly, Vasagius lost all will as he stared into the red eyes of a Nôk'ta.  He hadn't seen the beast enter his tent.  Frozen, the man stood still unable to move as his mind lost all control of his limbs.

The cloaked figure circled Vasagius with a malicious grin.  "Did you think I would let you be rid of me so easily?  You never would have made it past the shores of Sym'Dul if it wasn't for me.  Now, I suggest that you listen to me well.  You will do as I wish."

A flash of steel swiped across the cloaked figure's vision as Stahl entered the room and sliced the Nôk'ta's throat. 

Freed, Vasagius unsheathed his sword.  "Did you think I would be without my own resources?"  Vasagius lunged for the mysterious man but struck only air.  The cloaked figure had vanished.

Just outside of the barbarian camp, the cloaked man reappeared near the shadows.  A satisfied smile crossed his lips.  Perfect, he thought to himself, Vasagius is playing into our hands.

 *                  *                  *

 Tami panted as they climbed higher; the thin air getting to her.  She had never been in the mountains for any length of time.  Steadily, she followed Narúl as he led the way along a trail that he had found years before.  The trail widened and narrowed in spots, but remained visible.  The smooth incline made trekking it bearable, but Tami did not know how much longer that would last.  The pack weighed heavily on her shoulders causing them to hurt.  She slumped a bit, pausing for breath.

Without asking, Narúl took her pack and added it to his own.  Relieved, Tami watched as he moved onward as though he had just finished a long rest.  The sun gleamed on the sweat the dotted his black skin.  She watched as his muscular arms used a staff to help propel him forward.

"This is no time to rest," said Narúl.

Grunting, Tami trudged onward.  They had traveled two days and her stiff muscles burned with each movement she took.  A sharp pull yanked her back as something snagged her skirt.  Wrestling with it, Tami scared a bunch of rabbits with the noise she generated.

Annoyed, Narúl pulled her free.  He used his dagger to slice off the bottom four inches of her skirt.  Tami smiled gratefully and pulled away, but Narúl hadn't finished.  He cut slits in her skirt so that she could move more easily.

"Hey," yelled Tami.

Narúl put his knife away.  "You'll walk better this way.  Now come on."

Tami glowered at the man.  She wore breeches underneath, but the fact that he ruined her dress without asking infuriated her.  She marched after him attempting to salvage her dignity.

The warm sun and gentle breeze accompanied them as they made their way upward.  Tami began to enjoy the warmth despite the rigorous pace. 

Narúl stopped.

"What is it?" asked Tami.

He pointed at the broken stone bridge before them.  A gap now filled its place with two giant walnut trees forming a canopy over it.

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