Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapte XI)

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The dwarf lowered his axe slightly.  "Lady Nylana?"  He looked at her more closely as if seeing her for the first time.  "Forgive me, my lady.  I did not recognize you."

"Will you take us to Lord Belznyc?" asked Nylana.

"Yes, but I must ask that they remain here," said the dwarf.

"No," said Nylana, "As you have been informed this is my escort and in the current climate I will go nowhere without them.  Either you bring us all to Lord Belznyc or none of us.  You may keep your weapons pointed at us if that makes you more comfortable."

The dwarf signaled his unit.  With uniform precision the other dwarves fell around them ready to escort them to the meeting chamber of the city.  They followed the lead dwarf up a flight of marble stairs that reflected the torchlight wonderfully. Nylana strode tall and proud while Galdin, Trya, and Narúl kept a ready hand on their weapons; each not liking the dwarves over-excited manner.

Swiftly, they marched through the city and to the palace court.  They passed through corridors with gems lining the walls as the dwarf led them to the chamber doors which opened upon their arrival.  Lord Belznyc awaited them with an irate expression on his face.

 "My lady," said Lord Belznyc, "You should not be here.  There is little left of MurDair."

"Is this the way you greet guests?" replied Nylana, "Is this how you treat the Princess of Tesnayr?"

"My apologies," said Lord Belznyc, but his tone conveyed anything but penance.  "Why have you come?"

"I had to come," said Nylana, "I need you and your forces."

"I'll not give my forces to your brother," said Lord Belznyc.

"Belznyc," said Nylana, "Why such sentiment?"

"Because of your absence I will allow your question," a hardened expression crossed Lord Belznyc's face.  "Your brother has decreed that MurDair has not paid their share of the taxes and therefore increased our burden tenfold.  He has also forbidden us from having a standing army for which to defend ourselves.  We have always provided dwarves to be part of the army of Tesnayr, but as was set down by Queen Amborese, the five lands are allowed their own forces as well.  Your brother has forbidden such a notion thus violating our laws."

Galdin stepped forward.  Dwarves pointed their axes at him as a warning.  "I would appreciate it if you did not say 'your brother', my lord, as I am also her brother."

"The lady Nylana has only one brother," said Belznyc, "I do not know your name.  Who are you to speak to me?"

"He is my brother," said Nylana, her voice turned to stone.  "He is Galdin."

Belznyc's features changed as he realized his rudeness.  "My Lady, why did you not announce him?"

"For reasons that are my own," replied Nylana, "This is Galdin, the Lost Prince and my brother."

"When—how did you find him?"

"By a happy circumstance while I was away.  I did not believe it at first, but he is Prince Galdin."

"Yes, of course," said Lord Belznyc seeing the resemblance between them for the first time, "You are most welcome and will be given the courtesy that is due."

Galdin nodded his head in appreciation.

"My Lord Belznyc," said Nylana, "I have come because barbarian invaders have overrun Belyndril.  I have reason to believe that they will come either here or go straight to Hemíl."

"What makes you so certain?" asked the dwarf.

"Because that is what I would do," said Nylana.

"As would I," said Galdin.

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