Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 2, Chapter VII)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Ah, freedom at last," breathed Valn as they exited the trees and entered a meadow.  The Byleon took a deep breath relishing the scent of the spring air that brought warmth and yet held a chill.  "You wished to head for MurDair?"

"Yes," said Nylana.  "We need to get there before the next full moon.

"That should be simple enough," said Valn, "Assuming we do not run into trouble."

"That is assuming a lot," quipped Magi.

 *                  *                  *

 Artryl widened his stance as he held his sword before him.  He parried an attack by Narúl with ease.  Narúl lunged again.  Artryl jumped back swinging his sword to the left not realizing that he had been tricked.  Suddenly, Narúl changed his attack forcing Artryl to lose his balance and fall over.

"Never assume that you know your opponent's movements," said Narúl.  "You must learn to read him, to be able to anticipate his next attack."

Artryl hauled himself back to his feet.  He repositioned himself with his sword held before him.

Narúl attacked.  Artryl easily sidestepped clipping Narúl's sword with his own.  He whirled back around and smacked Narúl on the back with the flat of his blade.  Unexpectedly, Narúl reached back and grabbed Artryl by his collar, pulling him to his front.

"No fair," said Artryl.

Narúl knocked the boy's weapon from his hands before ruffling his mop of hair.  "On the battlefield, your opponent will never fight fairly."

Out of nowhere, Trog leapt at Narúl snatching his sword in his mouth.  The animal whipped back around pointing the sharp end of the blade at Narúl daring him to fight.

"I think Trog has got something there," laughed Ryk.

"Here, Trog," Artryl held his hand out to the beast.  Trog moved over to him nuzzling in his cloak as the boy took the sword and handed it back to Narúl.

"I think that is enough swordplay for today," said Narúl with an amused smile.

Tabs popped out of the bushes out of breath.  "We need to leave!  Now!"

"What's the matter?" asked Narúl.

"The invaders have set a niht'anda on Galdin's trail."

They hastily snatched their belongings and put out the fire before running after Tabs.

 *                  *                  *

 Tami glanced over at Galdin's sleeping form.  The steady rise and fall of his chest indicated that he slept soundly.  Hastily, she got up and walked a little ways away keeping Galdin in sight.  For the last few nights she had been practicing teleportation; something her mother had tried to teach her before she died.

Tami listened to the night sounds making certain that no one watched her.  Softly, she muttered the spell her mother had taught her.

Nothing happened.

Frustrated, Tami tried again saying the words in a harsh whisper.  The ground vibrated around her as a breeze swept up.  She felt the pull of the spell, but still she remained where she was.

Determined to get it right, Tami uttered the words once more.  A gust of wind whipped around her as a mini cyclone surrounded her.  Feeling the full effect of the magic she had summoned, Tami laughed to herself in satisfaction.  Suddenly she disappeared from her spot and reappeared a few feet away.

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