Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XIX)

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"Raiders who take no treasure," said Galdin, "That is odd."

"Odd indeed," said Lord Trisk. "They seem intent on destroying the land for no reason except their own. Each day they head further south making their way here to La'nar. I think they are headed to MurDair next."

"Who leads them?" asked Galdin.

"No one knows," replied Lord Trisk. "It is rumored that they are led by a man dressed in black. A man who refuses to reveal his face. Yet, they also seem to be led by a man named Vasagius."

Nylana pursed her lips. She knew the name well. It belonged to the man that murdered her father and caused Galdin to be lost all those years. "So he has returned."

Galdin listened to the exchange. He knew the name as well. Everyone in the five lands did.

"I am afraid so, my lady," said Lord Trisk.

"What are we to do?" asked Nylana.

"I had hoped King Krispyn would have come. It is his doing that they are here. His new laws and taxes have weakened the five lands of Tesnayr. He sits on his throne doing nothing while people fall into squalor." Lord Trisk noticed the look on Nylana's face and stopped himself. "I am sorry for my outburst, my lady."

Nylana said nothing. She knew that there was some truth to what Lord Trisk had said.

"But people are desperate for relief and will turn anywhere, including aiding these barbarians."

"Have they given out food and aid to any who will join their cause?" asked Galdin.

"Yes," replied Lord Trisk, "And are gathering a huge following. For the price of a loaf of bread a man will sell himself and his family.

"My forces are depleted. I am afraid there is little I can do on my own and no one has answered my calls for help."

"No one?" Nylana's stunned voiced echoed through the chamber. "Do the alliances mean nothing? Does no one honor the treaty signed nearly fifteen hundred years ago?"

"I am afraid, my lady, the lands are divided once more," said Lord Trisk, "Your brother has seen to that."

"What do you mean?"

"He called on the dwarves in MurDair to send more of the treasures they find in the earth to Norlyk. He claimed that they do not contribute enough and that the other lands have been forced to make up the difference."

"That is an excellent way to cause discord," said Trya.

"Yes, it is," agreed Lord Trisk. "I am sorry, my lady, but things in Tesnayr have changed and your brother is a fool."

Nylana controlled her emotions. She loved Krispyn dearly. She helped raise him. But deep down she knew that he was not fit for the throne. "I am sure that he will come to reason."

"As always, my lady, your presence brings it," said Lord Trisk.

"Thank you, Lord Trisk. But right now we have a battle to prepare for. If we can keep the barbarian hoard contained, we should be able to minimize the damage they do. Galdin, as newly appointed general, what would you suggest?"

Not questioning Nylana's statement, Galdin stepped forward to the map noting the markings on it. Though not liking the way Nylana threw everything into his lap, he contained himself, studying the map and formulating a plan. "We should-"

An explosion roared outside as something barreled into the gates of the city.

They rushed to the outside balcony to see what had happened. The barbarians had arrived, ready for war.

Legends Lost: GaldinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin