Legends Lost: Galdin (Book 1, Chapter XVIII)

Start from the beginning

Nylana noticed the movement. "No you don't," she said as she pulled out her sword and smacked the dragon on the nose with the flat of the blade. A loud pop echoed around them. The dragon recoiled in shock. "You leave him alone," shouted Nylana, her face flushed in anger.

"Who dares speak to me with such insolence?" demanded the dragon.

"Nylana, Princess of the five lands of Tesnayr." Nylana held her weapon tightly ready to defend herself if necessary.

"Your name means nothing to me," said the dragon.

"It doesn't matter," said Nylana, "I will strike you again if you touch him."

Taken aback by her defensive and aggressive stance, the others gawked at her. Narúl moved closer to Nylana unsheathing his own weapon. "As will I," he said.

The dragon eyed them both. Quickly, it lashed out grasping the sword in its teeth only to receive an electric shock. Stunned, the dragon dropped the blade shaking its head. It roared and licked its lips to ease the searing pain.

Cautiously, Nylana picked up her sword. Though she had no idea of what had just happened, she resumed her stance ready to defend Trog and the rest of them.

"What is that menace?" demanded the dragon.

"My sword," said Nylana.

"Lies," spat the dragon, "That is no sword. No blade does what that just did. My lip will hurt for a week. Let me see it."

Thinking this a great way to buy time, Nylana held up her weapon so that the dragon could study it. While she did so, Galdin looked around for any possible chance of escape. He found none.

"That blade, where did you get it?" said the dragon.

"Uh-it just appeared one day," answered Nylana. She did not know how to explain it.


"Yes," said Galdin, stepping forward, "We were all there. It seems to be a magical sword."

"Magical barely describes it," said the dragon, "You do not know the value of what she carries." The beast turned back to Nylana, "You may carry Tesnayr's sword but you do not command me."

Nylana stared at the dragon confused. "Command?"

"The horn of Selexia," said Trya, "Amborese severed its power."

"She released the dragons from service to Tesnayr's heirs," said the dragon.

"And so you thank her by making meals of us?" demanded Nylana.

Galdin debated inwardly with himself about smacking his sister for her authoritative tone. Taking such a stance when a dragon can easily eat them all in one bite was not ideal. "Nylana," he whispered out of the side of his mouth.

"Food is scarce," the dragon continued ignoring Nylana's outburst, "And I must eat."

"You will have to find food elsewhere," said Nylana not knowing where this new attitude came from. The sword in her hand glowed brightly surrounding her with gold light. "We have business in Belyndril. You will let us pass safely."

"Nylana," Galdin's voice took on a more insistent tone. Is she crazy?

The others gaped at her.

"You are a bossy one," said the dragon. "I will silence you-"

"If you must," Nylana's tone changed. "But I would know your name first."


"I was going to ask a favor but you probably couldn't do it anyway," said Nylana as she casually studied her fingernails.

The others stared at her wondering what she was doing.

"Do what?" asked the dragon, intrigued.

"Well, if you wish to eat us that is fine, but we need to get to Belyndril. I just thought you could carry us there so that we may complete our errand first. But you look so tired I wouldn't want to impose. We will just be going."

Nylana turned and started to walk away. She had gotten a few feet when-


The dragon slammed its tail into the dirt inches from Nylana sending pebbles and grit everywhere. The others ducked to avoid most of it.

"You dare insult me?" snarled the dragon, whiffs of smoke escaping his nostrils.

"Merely a concern," replied Nylana, innocently.

The dragon reared up on his hind legs spreading his massive, leathery wings to reveal his entire size. "I may be old, but I am not embolic. I can get you-all of you-to Belyndril. Unharmed even."

"I wouldn't want to impose," said Nylana, "You can go ahead and eat us if you must."

"Are you insane?" Ryk said to her, "I don't want to be dragon food."

Nylana stomped hard on his foot to shut him up. "I know how difficult such a journey is for a dragon of your years."

The dragon's nostrils flared as his eyes formed slits. "On my back, all of you."

"I really-" began Ryk.


Heeding the dragon's command, they all scrambled onto his back placing themselves between the ridged backbones. The dragon spread his wings wide flapping them as dust swirled in circles. Gradually, Uriel ascended into the sky until the mountains looked like tiny specks beneath them.

"Don't you ever do that again," scolded Galdin in Nylana's ear.

She smiled inwardly at managing to shave weeks off of their journey to Belyndril and avoiding the treachery of the Ársa Mountains. Though, she was uncertain as to what they would do when they landed.

Tune back Next Friday for the next chapter.

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