Chapter Nine - "Are you gonna sleep with him?"

Start from the beginning

He walks back to the delivery car a few seconds later, and for the first time since Craig got here I notice Paul was still there. Huh. What's that all about? He left right after Craig did, but I thought nothing of it.

I went to bed right after I did my poem for class. This poem was actually a little difficult, because I don't know Paul too well to know exactly how he acts in school and out of it. I can only write about what I've seen. That alone can be a story. I'll probably get a B on this poem, since it's not my best work. Wednesdays will kick ass.

Right before I went to sleep I heard my dad go into my sisters room and I didn't hear the door open for another 25 minutes. Jackpot.

Now back to today, Tuesday.

I feel weird because I have a suitor. I feel weird because he asked me out and I feel all jumpy in the best way. I feel weird because Craig is really cute and I've eyed him forever. But I feel the weirdest because I feel like I'm cheating on Paul, which is so stupid because I mean nothing to him aside from this project and has no interest in me, so why am I feeling like I'm betraying him by agreeing to this date?

I shove the thought aside and go to lunch. I avoided talking to everyone until I knew what I was gonna say. I even ignored Paul when we were in class together, which was mean but was I really gonna talk to a hot junior who can care less about my dating life?

I can't keep this date thing to myself, and not to mention I've never been on a gay date before, so the rules might be different. So when I see Alice with Cash, I make my way to the table with Caroline, Brad, and Jayna on standby. I walk over there and literally spill everything out. They all look at me like the just heard that war ended. Brad's eyes were so wide you can see Venus if you looked close enough. caroline was grinning so hard and Jayna looked as she always did: unphased.

It's Brad who breaks the silence. "So who's the unfortunate soul that has to go out with you?" He laughs and I sock him right on this back.

"His name is Craig, ass. You've all seen him before, he's the pizza delivery guy that always comes to bring the food every week."

They all nod because they do know him. They've all been at my house and eaten there enough times to recognize anyone that comes to the door or anyone that steps foot into the house aside from my immediate family.

"Are you gonna sleep with him?" Caroline asks suggestively and I get so red.

The Idea of sex in general is a little strange to me still, let alone sex with guys. I mean Craig is cute, really cute, but if he thinks I'm gonna just sleep with him like as soon as the date is over then he has another thing coming. I will prude it out the entire date. I don't believe in hook-ups either, just because it's stupid.

Plus which one would I be, the top or the bottom? I mean Craig is like an inch taller than me, but even though I'm pretty skinny he has more muscle, but that doesn't always mean you're on top. His butt is pretty big, so who knows, maybe he likes to be submissive, or he likes both. I wouldn't complain if he was into doing both. I'm digressing.

"Mike is not that kind of guy, Care. As sad as it is, he actually wants a relationship before ripping someone to shreds in the sheets." Jayna says, glaring at both Caroline and Brad when she says it.

At least someone has faith in me. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am not easy. Then again, I haven't been pursued enough to know if thats fact or opinion. I don't even know how to make that sound less feminine, because being gay I guess is all about the sex to some people, and apparently ⅔ of my friends. I sure know how to pick 'em.

"I know he's not that kind of guy. I actually couldn't imagine Mike being anything but how he is. If he became a slut that would be the end of the world" Braid exclaimed. Is it weird that I feel offended and good at the same time?

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