Chapter 6

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I'm so freaking soorrryyyy for the late update!
PJ is now in one of those cheap dark coloured rough plastic chairs that synchronized with the others lining at his right. He is now waiting for the door to the principle's office on his left to be opened and his name to be called.

The back of his head leans against the white sand-textured wall, eyes gazing at the nothing but plain white ceiling as his brain busily pulls back all the memories that signals his aggressive childish behavior minutes ago.

He can't really remember everything tho. The scenarios that he could actually recall are painful. With Mrs. Frizzle pulling at his wrist then slaps his face hard with her cold palm. "Liguori! Come to my office immediately when you are in control! How can a top student like you behave like this!" her last spatted sentence really shoved right into his heart, even painful than the hot stingy feeling that comes from his red, hand-stamped cheek, that is also a result from her.

Words really hurt, rethink before saying it out loud you grown-ups! Kids' hearts are still fragile okay?!

Then there's Phil. PJ places his hand on the chair besides him, looking at it with genuine sadness as his long fingers gently brushes the rough surface. He expected Phil to be here sitting with him now, to comfort him with hugs while rubbing his back, to explain everything that happened with him and that ugly Dan boy. And where have Phil gone to? Oh, with that ugly Dan boy, of course!

The view of Phil who presses his mouth into a thin line, shots him a seemly anger and sad look then decides to turn back and follow Dan to the nursery room produces a lump in his throat that leaves him hard to even breathe properly. Why?! Why would his best friend do that to him?! Why would his best friend abandons him and runs away for a new guy, then possibly gives that guy the soothing hugs and caring words that should be experienced by him?!

Is Phil angry with him? For... beating Dan up? Is that simply the reason why he left? Regretfulness fills his chest just as his eyes are brimming with big fat tears. He buries his face into his sweaty palms, staring at the back of his eyelids as he continuously asks himself why the hell will he be so overreacting. 

He knows he has to make it up for the relationship between Phil and him, even if he's not sorry for punching Dan in the face.


PJ jumps a little, and pulls back his face from his comfortable palms to look to the direction that calls him.

It is Mrs. Frizzle. With Phil besides her.

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