Chapter 3

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I was flabbergasted, what's his problem? I'm an inconsequential person? He doesn't have the right to talk about me like that, he doesn't know me. I guess he's siding with Brittney just to get in her pants.

"And you're important?" I mocked.

"Yeah, more important than you." He retaliated.

He's so cocky, he must have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I don't understand why so many girls swoon over an egotistical, self-obsessed person.

Alec murmured for us to go and grabbed my wrist as we were standing up.

"Leaving so soon."

I turn around to see Brittney smiling in triumph. Man these people must think they reign the school.

Smiling at the rulers of the school, note my sarcasm, I waved goodbye and strutted outside the cafeteria, whilst linking arms with Alec to irritate the so called king and queen.

We stopped at the lockers.

"Is everyone at this school like this?"

"No, but be careful, you don't want to get on their bad side." He said concernedly.

"Yeah I'll try." I shrugged.


Chemistry may be the death of me but not because of the subject but because of the male specie by the name Xavier Williams.

15 minutes ago...

"Mr. Williams, you're 5 minutes late, what's your reason?" Mr. Peterson commanded.

"I'm late because I didn't want to attend your class." He said smugly.

"One more word out of your mouth and you'll land yourself in detention after school! Now take a sit next to Miss Beckett."

Jesus Christ! What's wrong with him? But of course the teacher had to pick the seat next to me, because I Ava Beckett am cursed.

"You'll be assigned a partner by me, for the rest of the year." Mr Peterson exclaimed.

Hopefully I'll have a good partner, I swear if I get Xavier I will officially die but only within.

"Paige and Luke, Stacey and Anthony, Tiffany and Elijah, Ella and Cole." The teacher was calling out names.

"Ava and Xavier."

Wait did I hear correctly? NO, this can't be happening. Well this is going to be fun!

I turn to face him when I see him smirking, is he bipolar? Telling me off one minute, now smirking at me, this guy has problems.

"Hey, partner."

I rolled my eyes hoping this was all a dream but unfortunately, it was not. He moved his chair over to my seat so our chairs were conjoined. I shifted my seat over, and he followed.

"What's wrong with you, loser town is that way, now I suggest you shoo!"

"Now, now don't pounce on me."


"First we need to get to know each other, how about 20 questions?." Mr. Peterson suggested.

I'd rather be shot now then talk to Xavier. Why is life so cruel to me?

"I'll go first, what's your name." He said.

What the hell, he doesn't know my name!

"Get the hell out of my face!" I responded impudently.

"Nice to meet you Get the hell out of my face, my name is Prince Charming." He said with a toothy grin.

I sighed, waiting for the bell to ring to be able to meet Alec again.

"Uhmm, why do you have to be such a jerk?"

He spun his chair over to sit with the back of the chair in front of him. He held my hands.

"Let me tell you a story, Pumpkin."

I yanked my hands out of his grasp and glared at him.

"Keep your hands to yourself, you were taught that in Elementary School." I scoffed.

"Firstly, I'm not a Jerk, but I'm a Prince. Secondly you should watch your pretty little mouth because I can make your life miserable."

"I've heard worse, you can't scare me, better luck next time. That's not even a story." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"Feisty I like that." He winked.

"Next question, hurry up."

"Why don't you fawn over my looks?"

"What's there to look at? Trash, you might as well do the world a favour and chuck yourself in the bin." I searched the room, smirking at his reaction, pretending to look for something attractive. It was fun irritating him, I had to to admit.

"Trash?" He grimaced.

"Yes, are you deaf?"

"I'm not deaf, I just listen to whatever pleases my ears."

This boy is so infuriating, how can people survive more than one minute with him? Why do I have to be partnered with him for the rest of the year? One minute feels like eternity.

"Well of course my voice pleases your ears."

He swiftly swerves my chair so we were facing each other, he leans forward and smirks which causes my heart to race, and his sudden affection incites nervousness. I turn away but I can't seem to forget his deep green eyes staring at me.

"Is my little pumpkin nervous?"

"N-no I'm not." I stuttered, I cursed my mouth for showing how suddenly nervous I was. 

Why am I affected by him? Ava get your act together! Why does he make me feel like this? No I hate him, uhhh! Stupid Ava, stupid.

He cocked his head to the side satisfied by how he was affecting me.

"I guess I still got it."

"Got what?" I ask inquisitively.


"You're so full of yourself." I hissed, crossing my arms to display annoyance.

"I'm full of you."

"Why do you all of a sudden talk to me like nothing happened?"


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