Anger problems

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     Just a few weeks ago I started highschool. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Just like middle school, but more work. At least I have my best friend with me. His name is Jimin. He's kind of short, muscular, can sing and dance, and has a different hair color every month. This time it's light brown. I'm not saying it's bad that he dyes his hair a lot. I dye my hair too. But let's get back on topic.
     I was awakened from my wonderful sleep by my annoying alarm clock going off. It is now 6:20am. I burdensomely got out of bed. I went to my closet and picked out an outfit for the day. I didn't really care much about how I looked, so I just put a [F/C] tee shirt and [F/C] skinny jeans with a [F/C] flannel. I then headed to the bathroom, brushed my teach, and did my hair. I was too lazy to put make up on in the morning. Just as I was putting my book bag on the doorbell rang. I hurried down the steps and opened it. Jimin stood in the door smiling.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yeah." I reply.
We walked out and head to school.
We arrived at the school 10 minutes later. There were teens crowed around everywhere. As I walk to my class these boys are playing around, running through the halls. When they ran past me one of them bumps me.
"Aye watch were you're goin'!" I yell out. The boy turns around and walks towards me. He looks down at me and asks
"What did you say?" In a threatning voice.
"I where you're goin'." I said back in a reassuring voice.
"Don't get smart little girl."
"How am I being smart when I just answered your question?"
"Do you have a death wish or something?" The boy spits at me.
"Is that a threat?" I ask getting in his face.
"[Y/N] let's just go." Jimin said as he tugged on my arm. So let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have a little bit of an anger problem. I have zero tolerance for foolishness. If something get me mad I'm definitely not afraid to express it.
"No. If he wants to do something let him do it."
"[Y/N] your not about to fight again. Let's go."
Jimin pulls me back hard towards class. I just obey. I realised that it wasn't worth it. Until that boy had to yell that one word.
"It's ok. She just a lil bitch."
Bitch? He called me a bitch. This is not gonna slide with me. Everyone in the hallway got quite.
I slowly turn around to face him.
"Did you just call me a bitch?"
"Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?"
I turn to Jimin taking off my book bag and handing it to him. He took it and asked.
"Why are you giving me this?" With a confused look. He should really know by now.
"So I can do this."
I bolted off in the boys direction ready to kill this guy, but just before my hands reach his neck someone pulls me back by my stomach. I struggle to get to the boy, but the person holding has a strong grip on me.
"[Y/N] just calm down. This is not something to fight about!" Jimin yells trying to calm me down.
I just ignored him and tried to get free.
"[Y/N]. Calm down."
"Let me go."
"Not until you calm down!"
I stopped moving around and huffed.
"Ok...I'm calm."
Jimin let go of me.
"You know, you really have to control you anger." He chuckles.
"I guess. Where's my book bag?" I ask noticing it wasn't there.
"I had to drop it to catch you from killing someone. I'll go get. You stay here."
Jimin went and got my book bag. He came back and handed it to me.
"Thanks." I say.
We continued to walk to class. We were already late, so it didn't matter what speed we were walking at. Jimin left when we reached his classroom. My class was upstairs so I headed there. When I opened the door everyone looked at me.
"Why are you late?" My teacher asked.
"I almost killed someone and my friend was holding me back." I told her bluntly.
" ok well...let's continue with the lesson." She said quit uncomfortable.
So the rest of the school day was fine. People gave me weird stares as I walked through hall, but it didn't bother me. I heard people talking about the altercation too. Boy do things get around school fast.
It was the end of the day and I was waiting for Jimin outside. I pull out my phone and scroll through Tumblr. After awhile I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Jimin with a huge grin on his face.
"Why are you smiling so much?" I ask him.
"Guess what."
"I got a date! This Friday! And the girls number!"
"A date? Like...a date date?"
"And her number. Like her phone number?"
"Wow. I was starting to think it was never gonna happen."
"Shut up."
We walked to my house this time. Sometimes we walk to his house though. He only lives a block or two away from me.
"Hey do you know people were talking about you at school." Jimin inquired.
"Yea. So what." I responded.
"They think your some sort of bad ass."
"Oh." I say as I unlock the door to my house.
"Hello mother." I sing jokingly.
"Hi and hello Jimin." My mom chimed.
"Hey." Jimin replied.
"How was school?" My mom asked. The one question I hoped she wasn't going ask.
"It was fine." Answered.
"Except she tried to kill someone." Jimin blurted out.
"Jimin-ah." I whined and pushed him a little. He just laughed.
"What happened?" My mom asked disappointed.
So I told he what happened. She had a real disappointed look on her face.
"[Y/N] what did I tell you about your anger?"
"But mom do you how hard it is to keep it in."
"I guess you had a good reason to lash out, but don't fight unless you get hit first, if u do I'm taking your phone."
"Ok." I say with head down.
"Thanks for stoping her Jimin." Mom said and left the living room to go to her bedroom.
"No problem."
"Why would you get me in trouble like that." I say as I hit Jimin.
"Because it's funny." He said with a smirk on his face.
Hello my beautiful people it is me the unicorn and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I promise this will be better than my Kaneki x reader cuz this story actually has a plot sooooo yea. I think my writing has gotten better. What do you think. But anyway 'see' you in the next chapter.

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