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the past


Shawn always felt that he was a thoughtful guy. Well as thoughtful as he could be while also being unable to commit to anything or anyone. That statement excluding his music, music was the one thing he could commit to. Which is why he found himself boarding a last minute flight to Los Angeles to meet with a good friend of his who was a song writer on the side. You know? Aside from being awesome.

Teddy always told Shawn if he ever needed anything he shouldn't hesitate to call her. Upon landing at LAX Shawn found that maybe he should've called first. Teddy wasn't answering her phone and the pop star was now stranded at the airport.

Shawn tried a face time call , he was greeted with the 'sorry i can't talk right now' text. Teddy was clearly somewhere important if she couldn't talk so Shawn texted him back.

'Hey in LA need help writing.' He thumbed out.

A few moments later he received a reply. 'My prodigy Angel is on her way to the studio go meet her, she can help while I'm gone'

A frustrated sigh left Shawn's mouth, he didn't want some intern helping to write his junior album. He didn't have much choice though, he was stuck in a rut and needed serious saving.

The teenage sensation waited outside of the airport to hail a cab. As he was standing there a woman maybe in her twenties rushed straight by him nearly knocking him down. He had no time to react as the woman stole the next available cab. 

It was only after a screaming mob of fans, a fight with another gentleman over a cab, and an obnoxious taxi driver that Shawn reached the hotel he was staying at. The studio was just a three minute walk down a few Los Angeles city blocks. He made the trip in record time after dropping his bags off.

It was dark and quiet in the studio, Shawn figured he was the only one there. He decided to play around with some sounds he wanted to try out on the microphone. Shawn belted out a rough sounding falsetto being startled by the female voice yelling at him to get out of the booth.

"Why are you in there?" She seethed at him. He set the headphones down on the microphone stand then proceeded to leave the tiny recording booth. "Teddy said you would be here, you're Ashley right ?" Shawn outstretched his hand to her.

"It's Angel." She shrugged. Shawn's hand fell back to his sides as he stood there awkwardly. Angel walked towards the mixing board pressing a few buttons. Shawn's hideous sounding falsetto rang out through the speakers beautifully.

"Did you just auto tune me?" Shawn questioned coming to stand next to Angel. She nodded at him continuing to play around with the buttons. Shawn felt bad for calling her 'some intern' earlier, she clearly knew exactly what she was doing.

"I need some serious help with some songs. You up for a challenge?" Shawn taunted.

"Are you?" Angel coaxed. Little did Shawn know he was in for an enormous challenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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