[10] ᴇxʜɪʟɪʀᴀᴛᴇ

Start from the beginning

By the time noon had come, Yuuri was absolutely exhausted

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By the time noon had come, Yuuri was absolutely exhausted. Victor certainly meant it when he'd said, "Leave it to me!"

Yuuri was honestly just expecting a slow, comforting trip before the short program. Maybe they'd find a hot spring and relax there, maybe a nice restaurant to eat prawns like back in Japan- But no, Victor had gone to great extent to make Yuuri's trip a memorable one.

They'd gone sightseeing indeed, they'd taken photos in front of monuments, buildings, eaten the finest meals and gone shopping, spending probably half of Victor's savings.

Though, Yuuri highly doubted Victor would lose all his budget that easily.

Either way, Yuuri was the one carrying all the bags. Thankfully, Victor had decided to stop for a moment's time and let Yuuri sit down. He stared down at his hands, slightly swelling from the weight of the bags.

"Ah! That was so relaxing, I haven't shopped in ages!" Victor exclaims, twirling around with his coat flying behind him. He places a hand on his hip and the other on his chin, as if in deep thought, "It would've been better if we'd gone shopping when the Euro was weaker, though."

While Victor was supposedly talking to himself, Yuuri wasn't exactly listening. He sat there, huffing and puffing, his arms were having waves of shock from the extensive amount of exercise he had.

While Yuuri adjusted his glasses onto the point of his nose again, Victor walked up to him slightly and asked, "Yuuri, would you like to buy anything? You deserve something for all your hard work!"

"Oh, no thanks..." Yuuri replied, looking down at his lap, his hands clasped into fists. Victor notices the tired and exhausted form of his student and smirks at the ideas that flood into his head. He bends down in front of Yuuri and pulls his face close by gripping the back of his head.

The gasp that escapes Yuuri's mouth satisfies Victor to an extent and brushes his lips over the other's. The growing blush over Yuuri's cheeks didn't stop, a heat rushed throughout his whole body, and only came closer to Victor's lips.

Inches apart from contact, Yuuri could literally taste the scent of Victor, when it was all pulled away. Instead, Victor leans his chin into Yuuri's shoulder, nipping his ear wth his teeth.

He didn't want to, but Yuuri lets out a slight squeak when he feels Victor's hot breath hit his ear. People walking looked at them, but paid no mind to what they assumed to be a simple everyday couple.

He held his breath when the other let out his raspy voice and spoke slowly. Victor reached for the other's still swollen hand as he spoke, "We're getting you a new suit, Yuuri."

From there, Victor hauls the younger male up by the hand, not giving him time to take all the bags in his free hand, nor was there any time to notice that one was left behind.

Yuuri's glasses almost topple off the bridge of his nose and make him panic when his hand, still holding the bags, comes up as a reflex to re-surface it to eye-level.

All the while, Victor was panting and gasping in excitement like he'd discovered something brilliant, and it made Yuuri nervous, "Victor, where are we going!?"

"I'm going to buy you a new suit for your birthday!" He immediately replies, grinning while the strong wind blew against his face, making his cheeks turn cold and pinkish.

Still being dragged, the Japanese skater started to feel exhilarated by the fact that they were going to buy something for him, He's considering me... Yuuri thought, but immediately shook it off, but a suit is too much, my old one is still good!-

"When we get back home, I want you to burn the suit and tie you wore at the press conference," Victor states sternly but managing to laugh at the same time. This dazes Yuuri and his train of thought.

"Huh!?" He begins to ramble, "But I like that suit!"

And the two of them run through the busy streets of Barcelona, drowning the nerves they had bottled up by shopping, eating and laughing together.

It was all certainly a great experience for Yuuri, it was something new for him to love and enjoy and putting aside the depressing thoughts he always had going on in his mind.

Victor gripped Yuuri's hand tightly, not wanting it to slip away. The both of them needed the contact, the warmth, but Yuuri wanted it the most. A light blush would creep up onto his cheek every time Victor would squeeze his hand in reassurance. 

"Hey, Victor! I still don't know where we're going!-"

The two of them definitely enjoyed themselves that afternoon.

im rlly sorry guys

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