+ Chapter Sixteen +

Start from the beginning



Ginny held Teddy's hand as they approached Hermione's front door. Harry was close behind them.

"Are you excited to see Hermione?" Ginny looked down at her son and smiled warmly.

Teddy grinned in return and nodded. It was so sweet seeing how bubbly he got around Hermione, the two had such a strong bond.

Just as Harry was about to knock, something occurred to Ginny.

"Harry, she's not here."

Her boyfriend turned around with a frown. "What makes you think that?"

Ginny stared at the door, trying to formulate a sensible response.

"Okay, you're going to think I've lost my mind. But let's call it a best friend's instinct. I don't have a reasonable answer- but I just know she's not here."

Harry looked at her in disbelief, but she could tell he was trying to hide it.

"Er, okay. Well- where is she?"

Before Ginny could reply, Teddy piped up.

"She's with Draco!"

Both Harry and Ginny stared at the little boy in disbelief, not understanding how a five year old could possibly know that.

"How d'you know that, Teddy?" Ginny asked calmly.

He sighed impatiently as if it was obvious; and if she hadn't been so shocked by his previous statement she would have scolded him.

"Cos," he started. "Draco loves Auntie Mione. And she loves him too. So if she's not here, than she's with him."

Ginny blinked, and almost laughed. It was so ridiculous how a toddler's logic shouldn't make any sense to adults, but in that moment, Ginny felt silly for not thinking of that herself.

"I guess you're right," she nodded. "Well, then I guess we should get going."

"Can't we wait? I want to see her," Teddy pouted.

"We don't know when she'll be back," Harry interjected. "Sorry, kiddo. We can come back tomorrow, okay?"

He nodded solemnly, his gaze towards his feet. Ginny and Harry exchanged a look, knowing both were wondering where Hermione had gone with Draco.

And suddenly, Harry's eyes lit up.

"Wait, Gin. I know where they might be."


Blaise rubbed his eyes tiredly and sat up in bed. He was glad today was his day off from work- he felt physically exhausted.

Just as he was about to go to the bathroom, a square piece of paper on the nightstand caught his eye. He frowned, and reached across to grab him.

It was a note.

Hi, Blaise-

Sorry for the early note. I wanted to owl you as soon as I got home, so I told Xavier to leave it by your bed. He's a pretty quiet creature; I hope he didn't wake you!

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