"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, it's just, everyone's staring," I frowned.

"Ignore them," Noah grinned. "Why do their opinions matter?"

We grabbed our food and sat alone at a table. We caught up with each other, something we couldn't do at the beginning of the year. We talked about our families and our horses, and our summer experiences (minus Megan).

Suddenly, Noah got super tense and stood up. I looked up to see Corey walking towards us,and I got up and backed away.

"Kat, please," Corey said. "We need to talk."

"We do not need to talk," I said. "I told you I didn't want to see you again."

Corey kept advancing towards me, but Noah stepped between us. "Dude. Back off."

"What, did she come crawling back to your sorry ass?" Corey asked. "You back off. I need to talk to her."

"We're not talking!" I said. "Go away!"

He tried reaching around Noah to me, but my boyfriend just shoved him away.

"Watch it!" Corey yelled.

"No, you watch it!" Noah shouted back. "Lay off her! She doesn't want to talk to you!"

"How would you know what she wants?" Corey yelled. "She's my girlfriend!"

"I was your girlfriend," I corrected. "And you don't know anything about me."

"Oh, and Noah does?" Corey challenged.

Noah got right up in Corey's face. "I know more about Kat than her best friend does," he said. "Hell, I probably know her better than her own sister does."

"Kat?" Corey asked.

"What, you think he's making all of this up?" I asked. "You have no idea the kind of relationship Noah and I had. Have. I have never felt the way I feel about Noah with anyone else. I'm sorry you can't handle the idea of someone loving me first."

He started walking away, and Noah and I both let out a sigh of relief. Then put of nowhere, Corey spun around and punched Noah square in the jaw.

"Noah!" I scream as he stumbled backwards. I caught him before he could hit the ground and pulled him back up. At this time, there was a group of people around us. Some people were with Corey, who was cradling his hand, and the rest were with Noah and I. I glared at Corey. "Get the hell out of here."

Soon, some teachers walked in, making the group part.


"We're a mess," I said to Noah as we sat, waiting for the school doctor to see us.

"Yeah we are," he grinned, despite the growing bruise on his chin. Soon, the door to the clinic opened, and out popped Corey with a bandage on his hand.

"I'll see you two troublemakers now," the doctor said, pulling us in. He took a look at my eye first, saying how it would heal in no time with some ice and a bit of ibuprofen.

As he examined Noah, I sat on a nearby chair, nervously picking at my nails.

"Well, you're lucky he didn't break your jaw," the doctor said after bringing him back from x-rays. "That's going to be pretty swollen and tender tomorrow. Ice, lot of ibuprofen. As long as your horse doesn't buck you off every time you ride, you're good to keep going to your classes."

"Thank you, doctor," I said as I stood up.

"Not so fast, you two," he stopped us. "The superintendent wants to talk to you guys first."

I groaned as he led us to the superintendents office, where Corey was seated. There were two seats opposite of him, probably so the boys wouldn't tear each other's faces off.

The superintendent has us each explain our sides of the story. I explained everything, from last night to this morning. Noah explained last night, and Corey, who went first, lied and said I hit my eye on my saddle as I was untacking Moose.

To which I said, "Are you an idiot?"

"Noah, Kathleen, you're free to go," the superintendent said. "I'm going to talk to Corey. I'll be sure to email you guys my decision. Have a nice day off tomorrow."

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