27| Dry Eyes

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Serena POV   

Today should have been a happy day. Today should have marked the beginning of a new generation; a new era. But that was not even close to the case.

I stood at the gravestone next to my father, trying desperately to be strong. I was determined not to cry in front of half the kingdom. My stomach was churning. I was still in shock. Yesterday I had lost my sister forever.

Lady Gonzala, who was standing on my other side, slid her hand in mine comfortingly. I looked at her and smiled forcedly. She returned my smile, her expression full of sympathy.

No one was speaking. We were all gathered at Irene's gravestone, silently waiting for the coffin to be presented for burial.

My father stared at his feet, his upper lip tight. He appeared strong, like he didn't care, but as I looked closer, I saw his eyes filled with pain.

The coffin appeared, borne by six fairy men dressed in black, none of whom I recognized. The coffin was lowered into the hole in front of the gravestone, and the shovel was handed to my father.

My vision was blurred with tears, but I refused to let them fall. My father scooped a pile of dirt into the hole, and handed the shovel to me, avoiding my gaze. I shakily dug into the ground, and poured a little dirt into the grave. Farewell, sister...

As the grave filled to the top, people began to slowly leave the royal graveyard. My father lingered with me for a while broodingly, not saying a word. He eventually left, and I was standing alone at my sister's grave.

I stared at the engraving on the stone. Princess Irene, year 4000-4018, loving sister and caring ruler.  

It was my fault. I hadn't wanted to admit it to myself, but if I hadn't been with Finn last night, she wouldn't have had to jump in front of that arrow. She sacrificed herself...for me. The arrow wasn't aiming at me; it must have been a misfire, but...if I'd never met Finn, Irene wouldn't have died. If I hadn't been so incredibly stupid, my sister would still be alive.

"It wasn't her time," a low voice said behind me. Startled, I turned around quickly to face Juergen, Irene's betrothed. "I'm sorry for your loss." Dressed in a black suit, he was as dazzling as ever.

I forced a smile, trying to be friendly. I wondered what he was going to do, now. Today was supposed to be his wedding day. Was he going to go back home?                                     

"Thanks," I whispered weakly. Nodding, he tipped his hat in my direction and headed back toward the castle, leaving me alone once again. I scanned the graveyard just to make sure I was alone, and fell onto my knees, too weak with grief to do anything but stay there and cry.

"Happy birthday to me," I sang softly.

Sorry for the delayed update, guys! I've been busy with school, and I've had the flu the last few days.

Unfortunately, this will be the last update again for a while, because next week I'm going to be in Disney World with my school's band.

Sorry about that! I just thought you should know.


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