25| Line of Fire

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Irene POV   

I groaned and turned over in bed, unable to sleep knowing what was going to happen tomorrow. I was going to be married. I couldn't believe the arrogance of the king, arranging this entire thing on such short notice.

I started at the moon out the window. It was probably almost midnight. Despite the Duchess's instructions to get a lot of sleep, I found myself opening the window and jumping out into the night's cold air.

I allowed myself to free fall toward the ground, almost hitting the earth before extending my wings. Only about a centimeter thick, they shimmered brightly under the dull moonlight.

I'd been able to fly almost my entire life, but I still got the same rush of exhilaration every time I extended my wings and soared into the sky. I let out a little whoop of joy, happy to finally be free of my father's expectations, at least for a little while.

I wound up flying over the South Woods, wondering if I would spot Serena with Finn from above. I really didn't like their relationship at all, and felt only minimally guilty about trying to kill Finn, but Serena was old enough to make her own choices. I was just glad she was happy for once.

I finally saw them, sitting on a rock, talking and laughing. I smiled, slightly wishing I could have that kind of relationship for myself. Not wanting to eavesdrop, I prepared to fly the other way when movement caught the corner of my eye.

It was that she-elf again! Serena had deduced that she was Finn's sister, Amara. What was she doing back on our territory? I narrowed my eyes as I watched her move slowly toward Finn and Serena.

I stealthily dropped into a tree above their heads, and observed Amara stalking closer and closer. She finally ducked behind a bush, and I watched in horror as I saw her draw her bow and point it toward the rock.

I couldn't see Serena or Finn from where I was perched, but I could clearly see the direction Amara was aiming. Crap. I couldn't call out a warning; she would shoot before they could move.

I was not going to allow my sister to die.

I couldn't see Serena, so I had to rely on the position of Amara's bow. Right as I saw her release the string, I jumped down into the line of fire.

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