22| What Lurks Beneath

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I just wanted to say that from this point on, the points of view are going to be switching, and can also change mid chapter.

Amara POV

I blinked furiously, trying to adjust from the bright light of the desert to the dimly lit hallway. As soon as I landed, I immediately pulled my hood over my head, covering my face. I'd been warned that the Wanderers didn't have a problem killing an outsider to eat, not knowing I was the anointed child.

I navigated hastily through the tunnels, remembering the directions I'd been given months ago. Getting around in the Underland had become second nature to me over the last year. I sighed. I was going to be so glad when we could move aboveground.

As soon as I reached the Guard, I shed my hood. "Lady Amara," he said, nodding. I strained a smile in his direction. I took a deep breath, swung open the heavy stone doors, and entered Gnarl's chamber.

"Who dares enter the chamber of Gnar—"

"—it's me," I interrupted, snorting. "You really need to work on your greeting. It's not scaring anyone."

"Ah, Amara," he familiarized. "It's good to see y—"

"—save the formalities, Gnarl," I cut in curtly. "I think you know why I'm here."

He remained in the shadows, not exposing any part of his figure. "For another cover dose?"

"No!" I groaned exasperatedly. "I got that two days ago."

"Oh," he laughed. "You're here to ask about what happened today, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I said shortly.

"Completely coincidental," he said lightly. "It won't happen agai—"

"Gnarl!" I growled. "You know that's not true."

"Fine," he sighed. "If you must know, the Threat is growing stronger."

"The princess?" I scoffed dubiously. "One: she's utterly powerless. Two: what the hell does that have to do with me?"

"She is not powerless, Amara. She's growing stronger as we speak. And as for what she has to do with what happened today: you know both your powers are in equilibrium with the same forces. It's like a scale. She grows stronger, you grow weaker, therefore losing the power you have to sustain your cover."

"And how do I stop it? Can I kill her?"

"You know you can't, Amara. That child is protected by forces beyond our understanding. If we kill her now, we could lose everything."

"Then how do I stop her?!" I asked frustratedly.

"You have to eliminate the forces that make her stronger. She has to go back to being alone and powerless. I've been watching her. I know who she's close to."


"For one, her sister. She lets the girl grow strong."

"Anyone else?"

Gnarl hesitated. "There is one more. This one's more difficult than her sister."

"Tell me!"

"It's your brother," Gnarl said.

"My brother?" I scoffed. "Finn's an idiot. He can't see past his own nose."

"You're wrong about that," he warned. "And the weaker the princess gets, the stronger you get. Eliminate those she loves, then find her. Find her and weaken her as much as you possible can without killing her. She grows weaker, you grow stronger."

"You said eliminate...I have to kill Finn?"

"You're the only one able to," he said apologetically. "I'm sorry, Amara, but the elder princess and Finn have to die."

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