Chapter Nineteen//Black Parade

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Chapter Nineteen//Black Parade

I look to where the voice came from and see Walter. He seems like he is fighting someone off. Then he turns to me. Looks at me directly in the eyes.  

"Damn It Walter I told you and the others to fucking stay where you were!" Nathaniel backs off from the devil or tries. He has Nate in a headlock tighter than any headlock I have ever seen. He elbows him just a smudge and gets out of the grip. 

Walter grabs my hand and pulls me up, "You need to focus on the energy that you have with Nathaniel trust me now."

"But he said to not move," I tell Walter and bite my lip.

He laughs,"he also told me and others to not put ourselves out there to be killed but here we are."

The storms get worse. The wind is breaking and falling all around us by now and the demons of the air are flying as clear as our eyes could see. The screams of the murderous drowns out my hollers to Walter. To have him stop and just go.

I make my way to Nathaniel and start helping him out. 

He signals for me to take his hands and I do. 

We combine hands and then as Lucifer is running to us again after being hit to the ground, we get ready for the next move. Nathaniel looks over at me and closes his eyes.

Please trust the power Juliet. We can do it.

I know we can.

As he comes close to us we pull up together and forcefully close pin him. He falls to the ground hard and we run down to the end of the roof.

Are you ready?


We run off of the building and start dropping. I close my eyes and start praying then we suddenly start floating and not hit the ground. I look over at Nathaniel and he smiles at me. He holds my hand friendly like and whispers, "let's go."

We start flying. Ligitmaely flying. I don't look down instead I look straight forward and try my best to keep up with Nathaniel. He has the grip on my hand tight but I am afraid if he lets go I wouldn't be able to proceed flying. 

As if matters can't get worse we hear flapping right behind us. I look back only for a split second to see him following us. I thought we would be able to fight him off and be done with it and everything can be okay again however nothing ever goes as planned now does it? 

I didn't want to be in the middle of this. i didn't want to be killed and be the Lost Girl. I didn't want to combine power which I didn't even know any of this existed in the first place. 

Don't look back. I hear him tell me.

I'm trying not to but he is gaining on us!

Trust me!

I trust you!

We look at each other for another moment and then Nathaniel makes us go faster. It also feels all the energy in my body is out and about. We get to the ledge of the cabin which now has gotten beneath our feet and seems way bigger than what it really is.

"Come on kids. You are making my job to hard!" the devil himself hollers at us. We look back and then settle our feet on the roof.



Ready for what I don't know but I told Nathaniel that I trust him.

When he comes near us we will make the force field and please just follow what i do for every step.


Once Lucifer settles on the roof and starts walking we get into position.

"Okay so now you youngsters think you can do something to me?" Lucifer lets a bellow laugh that almost shakes the cabin.

"Why are you doing this?" Nathaniel gets out of position and I furrow my eyebrows. 

"Nate," I whisper out loud. 

"Can you please just trust me?" Nate whispers back and look from me to him once again. the devil looks at him and then turns back to his regular way. His human form. good because I am not as afraid of him when he is n human form.

He slumps his shoulders and looks down. Nate looks back at me and I shrug. It has to be a trap somehow.

"I just thought when i was an angel everything was going to be easy. I thought I was perfect. Then I thought I was God and that wasn't-that wasn't the way at all..." He sits down on the roof and Nate gets closer. 

I want to say Nate out loud again but I get closer too. Until I am beside Nate. I hold onto his hand and Lucifer looks up at us. "I guess I also thought I wanted to get revenge somehow and made the world terrible by making it like this. By making people believe me and get mind read by me. I was bad."

"Yeah you're right," Nate says, "you were bad but even though God gave you this power or gave you it and then sent you here. I don't think he will ruin you forever."

"You think I have a chance to make it up to him?"

Nat shakes his head, 'I can't lie. But I can tell you that he would be proud. you just realized you were bad. the worse enemy of the world. The first villain as we know it has finally gave up."

Lucifer looks up again, "you're not bad kid. I am sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for ruining your life."

"You didn't ruin it you made me realize what I had and that I had a chance," Nathaniel puts his arm around me and then I look at Lucifer disappear slowly. With a light grin. Not an evil grin. A small and innocent grin. 

"What the hell just happened?" Walter says as he gets on the roof, "where-where is he?"

"He's gone. he is in the place he deserves to be in," Nate says.

The devil doomed himself to hell ,real hell. Not this place. not the 'station'. He found his peace. He knows now what he is and he can't escape from it. And Nathaniel out of all people made him realize that. 

Walter walks to us and hugs us both. then he brings everyone else on the roof. Everyone is safe, right?

Wrong. The storms are getting worse. Even after the devil did that it still gets worse. We huddle all together and try to say a few inspiring things. 

"I know we all just met but I think I haven't been able to trust anyone else but you!" I holler over the rain. The terror. 

"Please don't forget me you all," Lionel says and he disappears but not away. Up. Then Dusty does the same thing. He waves to us. 

Walter looks at us, "i'm sorry you guys. I wish I knew the truth before the end. Before I was casted here."

He was gone. He left Nathaniel and I together. Both of us only. We look at each other. 

Before he could say anything else the whole sky lit up. Lit up in flame and we were in the force field still. We made it before we thought we did. the devil couldn't touch us because we close together. because we combined our energy. 

And now we all know what is happening. What Walter said. We are in fact experiencing the judgement day. 

The Resurrection Day.....

Next chapter will technically be the last but will have a Postface to it. I hope you guys are enjoying this book! :)

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