Chapter Eight//the awakening

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Dedicated to: Niightmare81 because thanks for voting love! You are awesome!

Natalia is playing Juliet! I just picked her this morning so I guess from now on I will have juliet have the same features! I bet you all were hoping to get a character list soon anyways! I love you all!!

Don't forget to vote, comment, share boo!

Chapter Eight//the awakening

When we left the 'station' Nate continued to be a little confusing. I don't see why he can't tell me what is going on fully. I believe he is hiding something and when I find out what it is I am not quite sure if I will like it or not.

I don't know if I like most of what Nate has already done. He killed me, made me go somewhere to see his band mates which he is going to kill too, keeps reminding me what I have to do, and to top it off he might be hiding something from me that I don't want him to hide.

What is the point in hiding something when you are already dead? What is the point of not being truthful and telling lies? There shouldn't be any lies or drama and I have a feeling I will get both because I am with Nate.

Nate goes out of the painting and his breath is making him pant and hold his hands to his knees. I always thought when there was ghosts they wouldn't have any structure of human features at all. But Nate does. The other guys at the place looked like they didn't. I wouldn't see their chests rise up and down when then would talk. Or I would see them cough or just be humanly. They just drank and drank until they wouldn't get drunk at all.

I can tell though Nate is drunk. At the 'station' he would drink vodka glass after vodka glass. He would pour it in his mouth without hesitation and he wouldn't drink any water. The bartender told him to be careful because he can't drink and fly.

Of course that gained not only a laugh from myself but the drunken Nate.

The fly back was interesting. I would have to make him be balance and I haven't even learned how to do it yet.

Nate lays down on the wooden floor and he puts a hand to his chest as it is rapidly moving up and down.

I look at him with great concern and go to his side as I lower my body next to him. I stare at his rosy cheeks. His guilt expression falling about his face.

He finally slows his breathing and then looks at me with confusion, "Why dafaq are you staring at me for?" His slur of voice comes out. He was still drunk and I am not pitting him one bit.

"I am looking at you because you seem to be very cautious with  your actions and you are breathing very heavily," I reply back to him. My lips are pursed and I let them fall back to normal as I look at the ceiling instead of his face.

Nate laughs and then i see him turn on his side so I do as well. He looks at my face, "I am just thinking of stuff," he tells me as he leans up with his arm and continues to look at me.

I look right back at him. We look at each other. I see worry swept over Nate and he blinks his eyes over and over again, "have i told you how sorry I am about you know-" I hear him gulp, "your death?"

I shrug and then reply back, "I'm sorry I think that threw my mind off a bit what are you saying exactly?"

Nate's eyes go firey dark and then he says, "damn it Juliet. You know I am trying to just apologize.  I thought you would realize that."

I nod and look down. I take a hold of his hand for more of a comforting way, "I know you are trying Nathaniel. I understand you are and-"

"Please forgive me," he took his hand away and put it on my cheek to caress it, "you didn't deserve to die. You really didn't. I just felt so much anger and you were the first one that came along ever since the last family that stayed here."

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