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When I start thinking about a cabin I always think of that creepy one in the movie "Cabin in the Woods", you know the one that has Liam Hemsworth  in it. That one. I thought it was going to be a great movie because Liam was the actor I had a crush on at the time but it ended up as a disaster. I ended up with nightmares for weeks and I couldn't get the thought out of my mind.

Unlike that movie and that dream, the cabin that was in my life was way different. The features were really similar. Rugged, old, and had that fashioned gross smell to it, but other than that it was completely different. The cabin in Ohio was my safe zone.

I didn't think about it like that at first though. I was sixteen. Most sixteen year olds wanted to be popular and stay on their phone all day. And binge watch Shane Dawson videos until he would end up posting more. Which in all reality was the next day anyway.

But where I was going to be living there was no such thing as cell phones. No Wi-Fi. No service. Not one thing. The nearest thing to a phone was the radio. Even that didn't work sometimes. And when It did it would hook up with truckers talking about gay prostitutes.

Let's just say my parents didn't want my little brother and I hear what was going on.

The cabin or the people that lived there before us called it, "Plagen Hutte." whatever that means. My mother says it is saying something about a cabin. But she just called it home. I didn't call it home...

Not at the time anyway. 

No that time was going to be long after we moved there. 

And a boy named Nate Parker helped me realized that.

A/N just a bit of a teaser for you all. Man I will enjoy writing this. btw i finished It Starts with Hello #happy!!

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