Chapter Thirty-Two

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Arthur came back from his mission soon after the Vampire slayer incident and made more than just Tucker happy. Only Katty, Jason, Arthur, and Tony had been aware of what the mission actually was about, and they had kept it secret just in case things hadn't gone well.

As far as I could tell, things had gone perfectly. Juliette had been brought back to us. She was safe and secure in a new home that would actually care for her. There had been a good deal of hugging and laughing, and then we were all hovering around our friend in an effort to assure ourselves she was actually here.

Katty's main concern was getting her healthy as quickly as possible. She told me a little later, after everyone had left the apartment. Juliette had a baby on the way. Tony gave Juliette a place with her, and promptly lost her new roommate the very next day. I had glanced up when Tony came rushing in, looking for Juliette in a near panic.

"Try with Tucker." Tony hadn't even bothered to question my suggestion. Just turned tail and rushed downstairs. But that wasn't the only time Juliette wandered off. Usually, she would end up with either Tucker or me, with the simple intention of curling up somewhere to get some sleep. Which was what had happened today. Tony had lost her panic mode, though she would always come looking eventually. She hadn't shown up quite yet.

I cooked on autopilot. My thoughts swirled round and round with no end in sight. I tilted my head when I heard Juliette shift on the couch, listening. She quickly quieted back into sleep so my attention once more focused on the pan on the stove in front of me. I jumped when suddenly there were arms wrapping around me and a chin on my shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Katty's voice was gentle and soothing. "You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders."

I licked my lips, then slowly glanced at her. "I feel like this is all too good to be true. Like it's all going to vanish in a dream. It never should have happened like this. The odds were against us from the very beginning and yet..."

Katty slowly smiled and held me a little tighter. "Not all of it was left to chance." She kissed my temple when I gave her a skeptical look. "It was a tactical move on Sophia's part. You all fight pretty hard to protect each other. And when I was picking hostages..."

She went quiet for a moment, a weight on her own shoulders. Then she smiled a little again. "When I was picking hostages, it was that same bond between you that made you five stand out. I knew you would be most likely to hold out for however long it would take."

I nodded, understanding that. "And after that? The way we grew close? Became friends? Fell in..." I hesitated. I still hadn't managed to say it. But I fully intended to spit it out after my performance. Dane had said the invitation was on it's way.

Katty nuzzled into my shoulder. Then she pulled me around to face her. Her eyes traveled over my face as she smiled. "That took an awful lot of patience, understanding, and effort. But it was well worth it."

Juliette sighed from the couch and we both turned to check on her. She was sitting up, knees tucked under her chin as she chewed on a fingernail. Katty didn't even wait for me to ask. She just gave me a gentle push as she took over cooking.

I moved around the couch and gently took Juliette's hand away from her mouth. She had a hangnail and had been worrying at it. She blinked up at me, coming back from wherever she had been lost. I slowly smiled at her. "Hang on. I'll fix it."

She just huffed in amusement and dropped her chin back on her knees as I headed for the bedroom. She was just as damaged as the rest of us, but if my own situation was any indication, she would recover. Slowly but surely.

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