Chapter Twenty-Five

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It wasn't long after Seth's arrival when Katty and I had an explosive fight. In my anger, I threatened with the only thing I had in my belt. Katty looked crushed when I told her I wanted to move out. But I wasn't in the habit of going back on anything I had set my mind to, even if there was some guilt burrowing in deep and poking my heart.

Katty let me go though. Even called Lilith to let her know I was coming. I fought back tears as I crammed what little I owned into a bag and shouldered it. She didn't want me after all. They were just going to let me go and forget me as they romanced Seth and turned him into their new pet.

Katty followed me to the elevator. She grabbed my wrist before I could hit the button and I glanced at her sharply, ready to fight with her again. But there was no fight on her face. Not anymore. She just fixed me with a calm look.

"This isn't over Max. You're not just going to fade out of my life. Take all the time and space you need. Just know I'll be waiting for you. Me and Jason both. Waiting for the moment we can tell you we love you and you'll believe it without running for the hills."

My mouth dropped open. Love?! It wasn't possible. She hit the button for me, then pulled me into a light kiss before turning and walking back into her apartment. I blinked after her, not quite able to believe it. The doors opened and I shook myself out of it, getting on and riding down.

I remembered the way to Lilith's house. It was a slightly longer walk than I normally took but it wasn't impossible. It just gave me plenty of time to think. Try to figure out why Katty would let me go if she loved me.

When I got to Lilith's house, she ushered me in and sat me down in front of a hot meal. It seemed to me that she did this a lot. Then I remembered her chosen profession. Regardless, I ate while she got the story out of me. When I was finished, she frowned and folded her hands in front of her.

"Alright. I think we should set up some boundaries. How much contact do you want to have with them?"

I glared into my empty plate. "None."

Lilith blinked for a moment. "Um. I don't know that that's the best idea. You should probably see them a couple-"

I shook my head. "No. None. I'm done with them and they're obviously done with me. We don't need to see each other anymore. I don't care what they say about wanting me, or needing me, or even loving me."

Lilith stared at me. I scowled right back. She finally sighed and nodded. "Alright. I'll let them know." She wandered out into the back yard to talk with Katty on the phone. I just dropped my head into my hands and tried to shove away all the wistful feelings. I didn't need them.

Lilith came back in a little later, telling me that they had agreed. The news didn't make me feel any better. Just more confused. How could they love me and let me go so easily? How could they want me and not come after me?

Lilith showed me to a room and told me to make myself at home. I dumped my things and dropped down onto the bed, feeling wrung out and tired. Angry and sad. Absolutely crushed. I curled into a ball under the covers and just let the tears flow. I was so tired of fighting all the time.

When I was finally done, I tried to sleep. I ended up tossing and turning for hours. Nothing I tried was working. I frowned up at the ceiling and sighed. I just couldn't sleep. I had gone from preferring to sleep alone to being unable to sleep without the comfortable closeness of Vampires at my back and front. I kicked off the covers in frustration and sat up. I was going to work this out. I had to.

I shoved all the covers up against the foot board, leaving just enough to cover me. I pressed my back against the padded board and tucked my pillow against my chest, pulling the covers over me. It wasn't ideal. The bed wasn't as wide as I was long so I had to curl up. And the blankets and pillow didn't produce heat, but it provided the vague sense that I was bracketed in.

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