Chapter Thirteen

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Katty helped Jason with yanking out the barbed quills. I sat nearby, feeling a little guilty. It was sort of my fault. Neither of them seemed to be upset with me however. Just curious on why I kept attracting demons. Katty put forward the suggestion that I wasn't completely human.


I knew of them, sort of. Creatures with an innate lure about them. I wasn't sure if I should put stock in that theory or not, but it was a theory that could fit. I didn't worry about it though. I had no way to prove it one way or the other and there were much more immediate things to hold my attention.

I kept glancing at Katty and Jason, curled up together on the couch and loving on each other. I grit my teeth and resolutely turned my gaze back to the movie playing. I could expect them to ignore me while they were wrapped up in each other. I had learned that with Sophia. Whenever her Vampires had become enamored with a new lover, the humans were afforded a respite. I should enjoy being forgotten.

Yet, I didn't. My body, so used to getting sex and pheromones on a regular basis, was wound tight. I couldn't achieve release on my own. And it was stressing me out, which made it harder to sleep. Something I had been greatly enjoying recently. It seemed that it had become easier after I had spent that night of debauchery with them.

I couldn't pinpoint what it had been. They hadn't bitten me and sex had never worked to give me dreamless sleep before. Really, the only thing that had been different had been location. Yet, even after going back to my own bed, I had been able to sleep for a full eight hours without a single nightmare or flashback. Three days in a row.

But it had begun to wear off. The fourth day I had tossed and turned for an hour before dropping off. The fifth had resulted in dreams that weren't terrifying, but certainly weren't peaceful either. And beyond asking for a repeat of our activities, I had no idea how to get that uninterrupted sleep again.

The movie ended and Katty stretched. She hopped to her feet and glanced at the clock. "Hmm. It's late. I think bed would be good."

Jason smiled at her as she put away the movie and glanced over her shoulder at him in question. It seemed she was asking about more than just bed. Jason got to his feet and scooped Katty into himself to kiss her deeply. I averted my gaze.

"We should hurry up then. We've only got an hour before Logan gets home from school."

Yep, definitely asking about more than just sleeping.

Katty grinned and pecked Jason's lips once more. "Mmhm. Let's go then." Jason took off for her bedroom. She followed a little slower. I jumped when she placed a hand on my shoulder as she moved behind me and leaned down. I stiffened when she placed a kiss on my temple and whispered in my ear. "You can come too if you like."

I glanced at her retreating back with surprise and confusion. That wasn't right. She shouldn't need a surrogate with the genuine article ready and willing. Unless they were just looking for a toy. That wasn't unheard of, though uncommon in new relationships.

I licked my lips and slowly got to my feet, turning towards Katty's bedroom door in contemplation. She had left it open a crack in a subtle invitation. It went against my better judgment, but it had worked out okay the first time. And I could really use some nightmare free sleep.

I slowly stepped towards the door and carefully slid in, closing the door behind me. Jason pulled away from kissing Katty to glance over at me. They smiled and turned back to each other. Jason lifted a hand and crooked a finger at me in a 'come here'. I stepped closer and he patted the bed next to where he had Katty pinned beneath him.

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