Chapter Three

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Logan seemed to think I was an adequate partner for playing video games. I had been suspicious when he had first started hovering around my door, like he wanted something but wasn't quite sure what. It had taken Katty to mediate between us, pulling Logan's desire into the open and then asking if I was amenable to playing with him.

I had been ready to refuse. Until Logan gave me this pleading face and I was reminded of Jake. I grudgingly agreed and couldn't help the twinge of satisfaction as Logan lit up and pulled me to the couch with excitement. Katty had moved to make food with a smile as Logan shoved a controller in my hands and began explaining.

I blinked down at the controller in my hands. I had never played before. I had watched a couple times, but I had never played. It couldn't be that hard though, right? Logan happily drew me into the game, somehow managing to keep both himself and me from dying for a good long while.

When I did die, I glanced at him in tense nervousness. Logan just made a sound of mild disappointment as he stayed focused on the screen. I swallowed as I got into the game again. I was picking it up quickly, and I found it fairly enjoyable. Logan did too if his laughter and carrying on was any indication.

He continued to ask me to play with him on numerous occasions over the next three days. I continued to get better, which only fueled Logan's desire to play his games with me. I didn't really mind. It alleviated some of the boredom between waiting for meals. Or for Katty to bite me again. Now that she knew I would go into withdrawal, she was keeping an eye out for signs that I was beginning to suffer. And she would typically bite my wrist rather than my neck, which kept things a little more bearable.

Unfortunately, meals, video games, and pheromones in no way filled up my days. Especially since I was reluctant to sleep. Sleep invited nightmares. Horrible ones. So, I gathered up some courage and used my stealth to creep out of my room while the apartment was silent one day. I had spotted a room full of books on my path in and out and back in so I figured I could check it out.

I peeked around the place before exiting my room. Katty was washing dishes and the male Vampire, Jason, was asleep on the couch. I swallowed and carefully crept out of my room. I tip-toed out and slid towards the back of the couch, keeping an eye on Katty. It was a shorter distance to go in front of the couch, but there was no place to hide if Jason woke up. It was safer to go between the couch and the island.

Katty turned to put a dish aside and I recognized that I would be coming into her peripheral vision. I ducked, hiding behind the island that separated the kitchen from the living room. I froze, holding my breath until I heard her begin washing again. I slowly let the breath out and moved in a hunched over creep around the other end of the couch.

I made the library and grabbed the first book that looked interesting. Then I was taking the same route back to my room. I gasped in relief when I made it and settled on the edge of the bed to better look over the book I had stolen. It was a fantasy. Something with adventure and fights and a little romance to lose myself in.

Glancing at my door, I contemplated. I could lock the door to avoid anyone coming in and catching me reading. But that might arouse suspicion. I decided to leave it barely cracked. I had noticed Katty would knock if it was open a little rather than pushing in when it was closed. The knock would give me enough time to stash the book.

I sped through it and only had one close call. My success prompted me to revisit the library, on the hunt for another book. I got into the library without being caught and quickly slipped the first book away. This time though, I took a little more time looking around.

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