Chapter Four

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The next night, things took a turn for the worse. Somehow, I managed to sleep through most of it, but I learned later that one of Katty's family members had killed herself. Walked into the sun and dissolved in ash and screams.

I also managed to get a glimpse of the damage done after Katty had lost control. It was...terrifying. So much raw power and rage hidden beneath a pleasant smile and a penchant for feeding everyone cookies.

I might have only known her for a week so far, but I knew something was off. She put on a good show for everyone, but it was all faked. I couldn't really say how I knew it. I just did. It made me nervous around her, especially when she snuck up on me or acted strange.

She wouldn't let me hide in my room to avoid her either.

I yelped in surprise and flailed when someone touched me, waking me out of my sleep. I swung blindly, trying to protect myself. I froze when my fist was caught in a gentle palm and soft words were spoken, providing a severe antithesis to the way things should be going.

"Whoa, calm down there Max. It's just me. No one's trying to hurt you."

I scrubbed my hands over my face, focusing on Katty's voice. I grumbled at her, not really making words, simply making my displeasure known. I had only just fallen asleep, but my dreams had been sliding fast towards nightmares so I wasn't exactly upset about being pulled out. I sighed and dropped my hands from my face to look up at her, hovering beside the bed.


She smiled despite my irritated tone. "You were talking in your sleep."

I grimaced and let my eyes close again. "Was I saying anything interesting?" My sarcasm was just as lost on her as my irritation. She picked up the book that had fallen out of my hands when I had fallen asleep and settled down on the side of the bed next to me, twisting so she could look down on me. I curled a little tighter and tried to withdraw.

"Not really. Most of it was garbled French."

Her fingers brushed my hair off my face and I startled, shoving away from her even as I batted her hand away. She gave me a repentant look and clasped her hands in her lap. I snarled at her. "What the hell do you want?!"

She cocked her head, not at all worried about my temper. I wasn't sure if I should be irritated at her disregard or simply resigned. I blinked in surprise at the next words out of her mouth.


Vampires didn't say sorry.

"I'm kind of a touchy feely person. I'll try to keep my hands to myself. As to why I came in here, talking in your sleep seems to mean you need a bite."

I swallowed. And here it was. She had kept up a very good act of wanting to help me and now, when I was lulled and craving, she was here to make her move. I should have known my peace couldn't last long. I should be grateful it lasted out a week.

Katty quietly laid a hand across my jaw, cupping my face while her thumb caressed my chin. It felt...strange. I didn't want her touching me, but I didn't really dislike the comforting warmth of her hand. She coaxed me into looking at her and studied my eyes, humming once in contemplation. Her fingers on my pulse were just to make it obvious she was counting. I knew she could hear my heartbeat.

"You could probably go without for a little longer, but you'll continue to be in a bad mood. And you'll probably still have trouble sleeping."

I grunted and shoved her hand off of me again. She scooted back to make more room as I sat up and rolled my head, opening up my neck for her. "I always have trouble sleeping. Just get it over with." She hesitated, making me regard her suspiciously. What did she need to hesitate for? It was very simple on her. I was the one making myself vulnerable.

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