"You don't have to eat much but enough to keep your body going. I have no idea if you knew that if you don't feed your body than it can shut down, sometimes temporarily but very often for real. In your case it would be that your mind puts your body in a come where there will be a long time until you wake up again" Elizabeth told me. I had no idea about that. All this time when I fainted it was because I did not eat.

She stood up from the bed and I do to but when I am standing right, I nearly fall down but Elizabeth caught me before I fell to the floor. She helped me sit back on the bed. I can't walk, my feet wont allow me to stand not even walk. What is happening to me? Why can't I stand in my foot? I feel like I can not move my feet's at all.

"It is happening. Because you haven't got the nutrition that your body wants and needs it is slowly shutting down, and who knows what will happen to you then. Let's just get you something to eat before it gets too late. You can't walk and I'm not strong enough to carry you, but I did it when you were only a baby. Anyway I could make you a wheelchair, would you like that?" She asked me like I am a five year old.

"Yeah, and I had no idea that not eating anything would do that. I just wanted to  be beautiful like all the other girls. And for that I am so sorry" I said as I begin to cry again. Now I feel so useless and worthless but that are not news for me. I have always been like that, since I was born but right now I feel even more useless, I can't even use my leg's.

"Hey, listen to me for a moment. Never be sorry for what you want or believe in. Sometimes we make bad choices for what we want or believe we want, that does not make us bad people. No one should be sorry about that, not even you. Everyone is allowed to make changes in their life and you did try to do exactly that but sometimes our choices come with a consequence and we can't deal with them, that is what happened to you" She said.

She wipes away my tears. She is right, but with only small thing that is not right. Everything I do or every choice I decide to take always end back somewhere or sometime in my life. It is what they say, everything you do will stab you in back later in life and that has happened a lot of times in my life. And it will keep on stabbing me forever because that is how my life will last. I hate begin immortal.

Elizabeth waves her hand and magic appears on the floor. The light from it is too much for me so I close my eyes but both at isn't enough. I cover my eyes with my hands and that works. After about ten seconds Elizabeth takes my hands down showing me that the light is gone. I wonder how she mange to watch the bright light. I open my eyes and I gasp at the sight in front of me.

"Oh my" I said. All right I know that I am making a big deal out of a wheelchair but I have seen other wheelchairs before and this one is the most prettiest of them all. It is made out of ice but the seat looks really comfortable from where I see it. I can not believe that she made this for me, this is too much for me and I do not deserve this but I have to, I don't want to make her sad somehow that breaks my heart.

"Try it, I think I got the size right. If not than I'll change it and if you do not like it, even the smallest thing you don't like than I can chance it. This is made for you and only you, you can have it the way you want it to be. After all the princess deserves the best, oh and do not argue telling that you do not deserve this because out do. Besides the queen is always right" she jokes.

She helps me to sit and as soon as I am sitting I feel really comfortable just like I thought. Something happened when I sat down, like all pain I felt in my body just vanished really quickly. Does it make me a bad person that I never want to stand up from this wheelchair ever again? Oh who am I kidding of course it makes me a horrible person.

"I'm guessing by the look on your face that you like it and I'm glad you do but if we don't want to be late for breakfast than we'd better hurry up" She told me. Breakfast, that is something that I haven't had in a very long. I miss having breakfast with them, there has always been something there that I loved to eat even when I had no idea what that is.

Unbroken  (Jelsa) Book 2✔️Where stories live. Discover now