Chapter Six {Warnings}

Start from the beginning

When the two cousins chanced upon the estate's miniature maze of hedges, they began to play on their own, leaving Grace and I on a rock bench, watching. The breeze that assailed us was calming, and I closed my eyes briefly. When I opened them I caught Grace analyzing my face.

"I hope you do not end up regretting this," she said shyly. I knew her concern was sincere.

"I hope I don't either," I wrinkled my nose.

We fell into a fleeting silence.

"Grace, was there a second nanny before me?" I asked suddenly.

"Yes, there was one," she replied.

"What...happened? Why is she gone?"

"They caught her and Mr. Calvin Blackstone in bed together. Mrs. Cecilia was so appalled, she sent her off without giving her a final check," she said, giving a soft shrug. "The nanny, Lucille, was my best friend."

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"No need to be. Lucille knew what she was doing, I warned her. Though, that Mr. Calvin is as irresistible they say. Not only would half the female staff bow at his feet willingly, but ladies of the upper class too."

"My mother calls men like that rakes," I grinned.

"I prefer sleaze ball, as you Americans say," Grace laughed.

"But honestly," I inquired. "That is what Mr. Calvin is like?"

She nodded. "I would warn you to be careful but you don't look like the easily impressed type."


"If you don't mind me saying, you have a detectible iron virgin aura."

I threw my head back and laughed good-naturedly.

The children played on the back lawns for an hour before moving to the front. There, as the clock struck eleven a woman dressed in a smart grey dove suit and a pale pink cloche hat materialized at the end of the Blackstone drive. I watched her intently as she approached, and as I did, recognition bubbled to the surface.

The true nanny, Mrs. Dakota Johnson, was extremely past due, but if my intuition was informing me correctly, today would be a fine day to show. I leapt from my seat on the steps and rushed down the drive, attempting to intercept her before anyone else could.

"Hello Mrs.," I smiled nervously, "Mrs. Dakota Johnson, right?"

"Yes that's me," the woman smiled back. I quickly took stock of her features; peachy skin, snout-like nose, average height, plain brown hair with streaks of gray, and pretty cupids bow lips. I was quite sure the shape of her lips were drawn, however.

"I regret to inform you that your position has been filled," I explained, glancing around. "Recently..."

"Excuse me?"

"The position you came for has been filled, ma'am." I said.

"Why? I don't understand," she blinked. "They just gave my position away, like that? No word to the agency or anything to inform me? I spent the last of my savings trying to get here. How am I to go back?"

My gut clenched and guilt seeped in. "I'm so sorry."

"May I at least speak to the woman of the house to work something out?"

"I, uh," I scratched my arm nervously. This was awful, and until now I hadn't realized the severity of what I'd done. Guilt bashed me like the gales winnowing through the air and I was tempted to simply run down the drive and never return. Then at least Mrs. Johnson would be able to have her rightful job. "You see..."

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