"Yeah but things are going to be difficult for you, especially since you are determined to keep Gabriel off the list, too." There is humour in his voice, but truth in his words.

I sighed, "It can't be helped. With all these new responsibilities of being Alpha and heading the pack, I probably couldn't handle a mate anyway."

"Yeah, but he is an Alpha too. Who says he can't help you bear the title better and not teach you a useful thing or two in the process?"

"Who says he won't just take up my pack, merge it with his and forcefully keep me locked up, having his babies for eternity?" I countered.

Josh burst into laughter at that. "The scenarios you dream up, Claire. It would appear he was some sort of savage!"

"Just because he happens to be my mate, doesn't guarantee that he is not."

Josh scoffed at that, "We are getting late. Hurry up, Alpha. We need to leave in ten minutes."

I stand up to address the Pack. Almost all the members are here, except Dan and his cronies. I called his dad earlier, and he said that he would be honoured to attend. He sits in the front row, along with the rest of the pack elders.

I cleared my throat, segregating my thoughts, and then I take the mike.

"Welcome to one and all, and thank you for attending the elections. Today is the day where for the first time you get to choose your own leaders. I and my team have gone over all the candidates and shortlisted the ones we see fit. Now it is for you to decide who all will lead you."

A series of whistles and catcalls and applause greeted my words, and I waited for it to settle down.

"The results will be announced in a week, and the oath taking, along with my Ascension as the Alpha, will take place next full moon."

"I have decided to bring about a number of changes in the functioning of the pack, many of which I have already put before the existing council. The new council can work with me to refine them, and soon they will be out- to make the pack bigger and greater than it has ever been before."

Another round of applause greeted my words. This one was more cheerful and enthusiastic than before. I guess people were warming up to me. My eyes scanned the crowd, and found Josh. He nodded encouragingly, knowing I needed strength for what I was going to say next.

"Lastly, I need to talk about the attack on me two days ago."

There was hushed silence, and I saw everyone sit up a little straighter.

"I was attacked at my house by eight people. They are our own pack, and they made an attempt on my life. I am unharmed, as you can see. They have been recognised as traitors and are to be hanged."

Stunned silence and bristling followed my words, as hushed whispers erupted all around the room.

"Three of them have been caught, and the rest are missing. They shall be killed on sight."

"Who was behind the attacks, Alpha?" someone at the back shouted.

"I have my suspicions, but no proof has emerged so far. I will take action and inform you as soon as something concrete comes up. Thank you."

"Nice speech last night." A voice came up behind me, and I almost dropped my books. My quick reflexes prevented that from happening but could not prevent the tingles that started all the way from the soles of my feet to the roots of my hair. My face instantly warmed up, as a smile lit up my face.

This has never happened to me before. What the hell is this reaction all about?

I turned, "You heard it?" I asked incredulously.

Gabriel stood there, looking every bit delicious as one can possibly look on an early morning. His hair was falling in a bunch on his forehead, and his eyes were dancing with a light that showed genuine joy. I guess talking to me gave him as much pleasure as it gave me.

I really needed to get a handle my thoughts, I thought to myself. At this rate I will be fawning and fangirling over him in no time.

He shrugged easily, a smile coming unbidden to his face as he came up beside me. Too close, I silently noticed.

"Of course I did. I am Alpha too, you know. I have to keep tabs on what the rest of you are up to." He winked at me playfully.

What has got him into such a good mood?

It was only after a moment that I realized that I had spoken aloud.

He burst into laughter. I closed my eyes, revelling in the sound of it. It was pure and unadulterated pleasure. It was a heavenly sound representing all that is good and pure in the world. I could just sit and listen to it forever.

"Well Advanced Combat training starts today!" he said, as if it were Christmas.

"huh?" I asked, clueless.

"Oh, of course. Well, since Zelman's high is the best were-school specialised in wolf training, combat is an essential part of who we are. We gotta learn to fight like an animal, right?"

I had a very hard time concentrating. He had an intense expression on his face, clearly this was something that excited him a great deal. However I couldn't reign in the train of thought that his phrase like an animal started. Oh, the things I would love to do like an animal.....

"...and so I signed you up too!" he finished with a flourish.

"Huh? I am sorry. Signed me up for what exactly?" I asked, mentally kicking myself for losing myself. I need to start controlling myself better in his presence.

"Advanced combat! Though you didn't exactly have a choice. It is a must for all Alphas. I hear you are quite good already, having beaten Dan."

I incline my head. I didn't want to share how incredibly easy that victory was, as it would mean putting down my pack. Best to say nothing.

"So I guess I will see you there?" he asked, bouncing at the balls of his feet.

"Sure." I smiled. Advanced combat, here I come.

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