"Why do you carry round a picture of a dead deer?"

"Look at the spiral carved on it, do you remember seeing that somewhere?" Laura sighed pointing at the picture , Emilia nodded her head in realisation.

"It means revenge." Emilia explained, passing Laura back the photo "Revenge for what? Where did you even find this?"

After spending lots of time with her father and his pack Emilia had lots more knowledge of the supernatural, along with the time spend with Talia and Deaton as a teen, Emilia knew more than the Hale siblings.

"It was in the woods near our old house, and that's why I'm here. To find out what it means."

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go find out what it means." Emilia laughed standing up, grabbing her leather jacket and bag from the rack next to the door.

"You could've told me we would be walking through the woods, these shoes cost way to much to be ruined by mud." Emilia complained, stepping over a muddy puddle attempting not to ruin her christian louboutins.

"You never complained when we were young." Laura responded, laughing at Emilia's attempts at keeping her shoes clean.

The two girls smiled, remembering their teen years and how much time they spent messing around in these woods.

"When I was younger I wasn't wearing designer, plus Derek carried me around all the time."

"Remember when he dropped you in that puddle that one time, we all thought you were going to kill him because the puddle was way deeper than he thought it was." Laura laughed, smiling at the memory of the four of them.

"Of course i do, I felt like I got thrown in a swimming pool." Emilia exclaimed, "Then Jason had to go and push me back in!"

"Derek did feel really bad afterwords." Laura added.

"I know, I just ignored him to make him and Jason feel worse. It didn't work because it only made me feel bad for upsetting him."

"You two were disgusting adorable, it makes me want to throw up." Laura groaned, causing Emilia to roll her eyes.

"Oh shush you!" Emilia giggled, shoving the taller girls shoulder.

"You still wear it!"

Emilia looked up to her friend in surprise at her sudden outburst, Laura looked back with a smirk.

"Wear what?" Emilia asked in confusion.

"The necklace he gave you, I can't believe you still have it." Laura rolled her eyes pointing at Emilia's chest, deciding not to mention the other piece of jewellery Emilia had on.

"Of course I kept it, It holds good memories." Emilia shrugged it off, hiding her smile.

"Hmm, good memories aye?" Laura teased, smiling as Emilia groaned.

"Shut up!" Emilia responded with a laugh "Do you have any idea where we are supposed to be going, or are we just wandering round for no reason."

Broken Pieces | Derek Hale Book 2Where stories live. Discover now