The auburn-haired Viking knitted his brows together in confusion.

"But that couldn't be possible," he waved it off dismissively, "It could have been something else. Maybe a wolf or some other wild animal," he lifted his cup, gulping down his mead.

Gunnar shrugged, "That's what we think. But a small minority believed those scars were from a wild, untamed Night Fury. Not like Toothless, who's perfectly trained,"

The thought of a dragon- a Night Fury to have harmed a human made Hiccup's stomach turned.

He believed dragons had a purpose to attack, which is to defend themselves. So Megadon must have tried to harm it. Yet, Hiccup wasn't sure what Megadon must have done.

"You guys don't think Toothless is dangerous, right? I mean, he doesn't go around wreaking havoc," Hiccup said after a brief silence.

Runa shook her head, "Of course not. He's welcomed here. He's part of us and so are you,"

Runa was one of the teenagers Hiccup met, who happens to excel at archery.

Her sandy blonde hair draped down her back in small braids. Her eyes were green, similar to Hiccup's.

Wrapped around her shoulders was a brown fur shawl with her crimson red tunic worn underneath.

Beige leggings fitted around her torso, complemented with a pair of laced black boots.

At first, Runa didn't exactly trust the newcomer, but after getting her bow fixed by Hiccup, she realise how gifted he was.

That's when she thought this strange, but rather cute boy wasn't so bad after all.

Often in the afternoons after her archery lessons, Runa would give Hiccup a few pointers of using a bow and arrow.

Although the boy was amazing at dragon racing and repairing weapons, he really was hopeless at wielding a weapon.

"If Night Furies are part of curse," Hiccup went on, "What kind of bad stuff could they possibly do?"

"I told you, boy," another voice broke through their conversation.

Hiccup whirled around to see Megadon approaching his table.

His deep green eyes pierced through the younger male coldly.

"Bring a Night Fury here and bad things ought to happen," Megadon spoke through gritted teeth, "Illness, death, even dragons turning on humans. And..." he paused when thunder rumbled in the distance, "storms almost every day for the past two months,"

Ingrid stood up from her seat. She looked at Megadon with a mix of anger and disbelief.

"Hey! That's not true. You can't just make things up," she exclaimed in protest, "For your information, those things don't happen just because we have a Night Fury in our midst,"

"Yeah!" Gunnar agreed, "Storms happen because that's typical Edon weather for you. It's Fall now and it always rain at this time of the year," he narrowed his eyes at the man, "You're a superstitious fool,"

Megadon scowled at the teenagers. He turned to his nephew, a hideous grin on his face.

"Is that how you talk to your own uncle?" Megadon chuckled, circling around the boy, "I'm sure your father has taught you some manners,"

Gunnar glared at him, crossing his arms.

"Oh he has. I just don't plan to use it on someone like you,"

Megadon let out a growl then leaned forward, his intimidating green eyes boring into Gunnar's.

"Listen, boy, when I become chief, I swear you and your father will be banished, do you hear me?"

No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now