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Nati: What if I told you dudes that I knew magic?

Mike: Then we probably wouldn't believe you.

Jeremy: *elbows Mike's arm* M-Mike!

Bonnie: *pokes head in while one ear pokes up* I heard magic!

Goldie: *teleports in the room* Show us whatcha got, Nati girl!

Nati: Okay! I need an assistant. *looks over everyone*

Everyone in the room expect for Mike: *raises their hands up*

Nati: *smirks* Why thank you for volunteering, Mike. *grabs his arm surprisingly tight and forcefully pulled him over to her*

Mike: *growls* You're gonna pay for this...

Nati: *whispers* I'll be waiting for that day! *says louder* Anyways, everybody look closely! *puts her fist in front of Mike's face* Now everybody say abracadabra!

Everybody except Mike and Nati: Abracadabra!

Nati: *punches Mike*

Mike: Ow! *covers his nose* You little fucker!

Nati: This has been a great show everybody! So long! *drops smoke bomb and disappears*

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