Switching Bodies (Part 3)

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Foxy: *walks in*

Jeremy: *whispers* Act normal everyone!

Mike: *pulls 'Jeremy' to him and wraps his arm around 'his' waist*

Jeremy: *slowly dying in the inside*

Goldie: Hey, Foxy boy! Hehe...

Bonnie: *immediately stands up, still panting lightly*

Foxy: *looks around the room and smiles* Arr Laddies! Who wants to play pirates with me?

Scott: Uh, no thanks!

Freddy: I ate Trix this morning!

Jeremy: *laughs under 'his' breath*

Foxy: Soooooo I guess that's a no, right?

Mike: Of course that's a no! What do you take us for? Idiots?!

Nati: *inhales deeply* W-Well we all know who the real idiot is. It's Freddy Fazf-fuck!

Jeremy: *glances at 'Nati', laughing a bit more*

Mike: *glares lightly at 'Freddy', then 'Nati'*

Scott: Who wants to know a fun fact?

Foxy: I do!

Scott: Did you know that I also ate Trix this morning?

Foxy: ...uh

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