Author's Note

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Hey everyone!! Lol I'm alive!! Ok so... please don't kill me, but I going to end this story in the next chapter. (It's just going to be an epilogue really.)

I know, I know I've procrastinated writing this for like a month, and now I'm going to end it. I sorry, but any ideas I had for this story have been done already or have simply been forgotten.

But hey! Look on the bright side: at least I'm not killing off Yuri *COUGH COUGH*Squeegee_fetus*COUGH COUGH*

Anyhoo, I'm going to make my Yurio X Reader one shot in to a story, and I think I'm also going to make some fairy tale parodies. So if you want to see that, comment here and tell me who (or what) you want to see put into a fairy tale (and what story it should be.)

Well, back to writing! See ya later!

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