Chapter 14

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Yuri's POV

Victor and I had decided to go to a karaoke bar, which we both knew was a bad idea for two reasons: 1) it's a bar... and let's be honest for a moment, all of our friends always act like they're drunk all the time anyway, and 2) karaoke.... with Pitchit and Maddy.... oh god.

Welp! This is going to be fun.

We were currently in the car, driving over to Pitchit's house so we could pick them up. Too soon, we were there, Maddy and Pitchit piling into the back of our car screaming about some show called 'Yaoi On Ice' or something like that.

This is going to be a long night.

~Time Skip Past a Seemingly Long Car Ride~

Victor's POV

I quickly got out of the car, and rushed over to Yuri's side to open the door for him, bowing as I did so, "my prince." I said jokingly.

I heard two squeals, coming from behind me. I turned around so I could see what was going on, only to find Maddy and Pitchit taking multiple pictures, squealing all the while. I posed, and gave them my signature wink, pulling Yuri out of the car, and giving him a side hug.

"V-Victor..." Yuri stammered, staring up at me.

"Yes my love?" I smiled.

"Shouldn't we get inside..? It's kinda cold out here.." 

"Ah.. but shouldn't you be used to the cold now?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Nope!" He said enthusiastically, "now let's go."

I kissed his forehead gently, and led everyone inside; holding onto Yuri's hand.

We got a small booth in one of the back corners, I sat next to Yuri of course! "Hey.. now that I think about it... where are Yurio and the others, I wonder." I said mostly to myself.

"We're right here you idiot!" Someone yelled.

"Hi everyone!" Pitchit called waving his hand happily, "I'm glad you finally made it!"

We all turned our head in sync, "speak of the devil.. and the devil shall appear." Yuri whispered in my ear, making me laugh.

"What's so funny, old man?!" Yurio asked angrily, as he took a seat, Hayley, Kayla and Otabek following quickly.

"Oh nothing.." I said, smiling at Yuri.

He smiled back, as he wrapped his small arms around my left one.

"Why did you even want us to come here?" Yurio asked, clearly annoyed.

"Victor.. you didn't tell them?" Yuri asked me quietly.

"No. I wanted it to be surprise." I responded, turning my attention to Yuri.

I cleared my throat for a second, "well, the reason I've called you all here is because..." I paused for a second, "we're getting married!" I said holding up Yuri's hand, to show off our engagement rings.

I watched as Hayley and Kayla's eyes widened in surprise, "REALLY?!" They squealed in unison.

Maddy nodded her head happily, "Yep!"

"Tch. Aren't you already married?" Yurio asked rolling his eyes.

 "No." I said, forcing a small smile in his direction. This child is starting to get on my nerves.. 

"Whatever.. let's just order some drinks." He said.

Ok then. Well I'm done. It's your turn OMGitsHayway. 

Btw... I'm sorry if this one sucks.. but I have the flu, (Yay.. T_T) and I'm too lazy to go check for errors...

Welp, bye for meow!!

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