Chapter 7

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Yuri's POV

My heart was already pounding so hard that I was sure that Victor could hear it, but when those four word left his mouth, my heart somehow started pounding harder. "Wh-what?" I choked out. Did he really mean that, or did he just tell me what I wanted to hear?

"Yuri.. I love you. I-if you don't... if you're over me.. th-that's fine." Victor stuttered, looking down. I caught a glimpse of his eyes, before his silver hair covered them, and they were filled with sadness.

"Oh! No! No that's not it.. I-I was just surprised." I said quickly, "I honestly didn't think that you would ever say that to me again.." I added quietly; it was now my turn to look down.

"Yo-you didn't?" Victor asked sadly, placing two of his fingers under my chin, and lifting up my head.

I didn't really have the courage to look Victor in the eye, but it was hard not to because of the fact that his face was about two inches away from mine. "... n-not really... no. I-it's just.. when you went into a coma.. there weren't any signs of you waking up.." I had to pause for a moment so I wouldn't completely break down, ".. I.. all I could think about was.. if I would ever get to hear your voice again. Then, when you.. woke up, and didn't remember anything.. I thought that I would never get you back."

Victor had covered his mouth with a hand, and his eyes were wide, ".. oh Yuri! I-I'm so sorry... I wish I could turn back time.. so that I could fix.. what I did." Victor said pulling me into a tight hug.

Victor's POV

I know now. I know that even though I only remember little things, I have and will always love Yuri Katsuki.

Even though I tried to sound completely believable, Yuri still didn't seem to believe me; so there was only thing that I could do to make him believe that I truly love him: I slowly leaned into Yuri until the distance between us was gone, and my lips met his.

For a minute, Yuri didn't respond to the touch, but I finally got a response out of him. It was soft and gentle at first, but after a few seconds, the kiss became more desperate.

Suddenly, I had what seemed like thousands of flashbacks shoot through my head at the same time.

"Yuri! Let's sleep together!" I called as I knocked on a wooden door. "NO!" Someone yelled from the other side of the door.

".. Victor. I've always looked up to you. I ignored you because I didn't want you to see my shortcomings." Yuri said quietly, looking directly into my eyes.

"I-I can land a salchow in practice, but never in competition." Yuri said, frustration coating his voice.

"I'm used to being blamed for my own failures! But this time, I'm anxious because my mistakes would reflect on you too!" Yuri cried looking down, as tears steamed down his pale face.

"I love you too, Victor."

I gasped and pulled out of the kiss, my eyes wide with shock, "Y-Yuri!" I yelled, "I-I remember!"

Welp, yeah this looks like a good spot to end. (I'm not sorry bout' it either!)

Anyway, I too much of a fangirl for my own good.. and I just keep digging myself a deeper hole.. T_T Oh well!

Well, bye for meow!!

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