Chapter 13

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Yuri's POV

I think it's a bit sad that Victor has had to propose to me three times. Like, how many times are we gonna get almost-married?

Oh well, at least we have each other. That's what matters.

I smiled at my fiancé, and pecked him on the lips, "I love you too, Victor." 

He slipped the silver ring onto my finger with a smile, "do you want to go on a quadruple date with the others to celebrate?" He asked, his light blue eyes staring into my brown ones.

"Which others?" I asked with a sly smile.

"Pitchit, Otabek, Yurio, Kayla, Maddy, and Hayley of course!"Victor exclaimed happily, "What other friends do we have?" He added, laughing slightly.

"Who's Otabek's date?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Kayla obviously! Didn't you see the way they looked at each other? They're clearly dating." Victor said, tilting his head to the side. "You did see that right?"

I looked away, ".. no? I'm not that observant, ya know."

"Alright, whatever. So, anyway, can we? Please, please, please?" He begged, jumping up, and down like a little kid, a huge smile plastered on his face.

    I smiled, and took ahold of his hands, "alright, alright. If you really want to." I sighed, thinking of how Pitchit was going to react, ".. I'll call Pitchit and Maddy, you call the others since I don't have their numbers, ok?"

Victor nodded, "ok!" He kissed my nose, and left the room to go call his friends.


"Hey Pitchit. How are you?"

"I'm good! What are you calling about: you never call me unless you want something..." Pitchit answered.

"Heh. I guess you're right.. um.. so Victor and I wanted to celebrate our.. engagement.."

"FINALLY!" He screeched into the phone, "so are you inviting me and Maddy to a quadruple date, with Otabek, Kayla, Yurio, and Hayley?"

"Your inquisitiveness scares me sometimes. But yes. So do ya wanna come with us?" I asked happily.

"YES OF COURSE!" He screamed again.

"Pitchit." I heard someone- probably Maddy-  say from the other end of the phone, "what are you screeching about?"


"And why, aren't I screeching about it too? Are you fanboying about something without me?! Who's on the phone?" Yep. Defiantly Maddy.

"Yuri." Pitchit said in a monotone voice.

I could almost see Maddy's eyes widen, "ARE THEY GETTING MARRIED YET?!" She screeched happily at her lover.

"YES!" Pitchit yelled. Probably jumping up and down with Maddy.

These two are so much fun.

Then, I heard some yelling from Pitchit, "sooooo, Yuri," Maddy said, "are you calling to invite us to a dinner date?"

"HEY! MADDY! GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!! GIVE ME MY BABY BACK!! I NEED IT!!" Pitchit yelled from somewhere in the background.

"Ignore him." She said, clearly happy that she got the phone from Pitchit's grasp.

"Ok. Um, yes by the way. so do you want to come with us?" I asked the girl.   

"Of course we will! I wouldn't miss this for the world! But... I'm guessing that you're inviting Otabek and Yurio? Right?" She asked, sounding slightly disappointed.

"Yes. We're also inviting Kayla and Hayley, too." I added.

"Really? That's good... Then I won't be the only girl. And ya know, they're also my some of my best friends soooo." She said, trailing off.

"Really?" I asked, "how did you meet each other?"

~Time Skip to the end of a Really Long Phone Call~

"Bye Yuri." Pitchit and Maddy said in unison.

"Bye Maddy, bye Pitchit. I'll see you later tonight." 

"Alright. See ya."

I hung up the phone, and walked into the kitchen; talking to really, really, really, energetic people can be incredibly tiring. "Hey Victor. So, how'd it go?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Good. They're all coming with us." He said turning around to face me with a smile, "although... I'm not so sure how this is going to go... you know how Yurio can get cranky..."

"Heh, I guess you're right. This is going to be a disaster... which is what makes it fun." I replied happily.

Ok then.... I didn't know that Yuri has an adventurous side.. oh well!

Seriously though.... this is going to be a disaster... :P

Welp, bye for meow!

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