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The sun had set, and the day was coming to a close. During that time, Iruka stopped by to check on Naruto four more times. Once before he left for the academy, grudgingly leaving Kakashi to watch over the blonde with a warning—threat really—to only keep an eye out. No contact unless it was an emergency. Even then, Iruka was to be alerted immediately before any decisions were made. After he returned home, Iruka checked on Naruto three more times to give him dinner and to help him freshen up. It was early into the next day when Iruka came by again.

"Did you get any sleep?" Iruka couldn't help but to ask. Naruto was still sitting in the same position from the night before.

Naruto didn't reply but Iruka could guess that he hadn't. If he had, it was probably no more than a couple hours' worth.

Shaking his head slightly, Iruka walked towards the bed and placed a few more items of clothing on it. He walked next to Naruto and put his hand gently on the younger man's shoulder.

"Breakfast will be done shortly. Come down whenever you're ready." Getting up, he left, making sure to close the door softly behind him.

It wasn't long before Naruto made his way to the kitchen, clean and dressed in the clothes that Iruka had given him. As was their routine as of late, the blonde took a seat at the table while Iruka sat next to him on his left once he had passed everyone their food. Iruka's attention lingered on Naruto for a moment in case he was needed. Neither of them gave a glance at Kakashi that was seated at the other end of the table.

"Naruto," Iruka said after a few minutes of silence. "We need to leave today, to see Godaime." He paused to examine the blonde's response. "For another check-up."

Naruto hesitated in his eating, which was hardly noticeable as he had only eaten a couple bites, and glanced at Iruka. Iruka could only smile sadly in understanding.

"It won't be long...just hold on for a while longer," he promised.

Seeming to accept his answer, Naruto went back to eating—picking at, really—his breakfast. It wasn't until Naruto was finished with his food that Iruka stood up and took both his and Naruto's plate to the sink after discarding any leftovers. Soon thereafter, Kakashi stood from the table as well, copying his host's actions and headed back to his temporary room briefly. In that time, Iruka made his way back beside Naruto and helped him to his feet. Kakashi was back by the time they made it to the door, and slipped on his sandals so that he could lead the out the doorway. Iruka put on his shoes and helped Naruto into a pair that Iruka had gotten for him a few days ago. Sooner than Iruka wanted, he led Naruto outside for the first time since they had ventured from the hospital.

Outside was warm. The sun was high in the sky and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. It was a perfect day to be outside but Iruka wanted anything but that, especially since Naruto was next to him.

Their journey could have been so much faster if they would have traveled by roof top, but Naruto wasn't in any condition for something like that. Naruto's lack of physical activity since his imprisonment had led to atrophy in his muscles. As a result, their journey proceeded at a snail's pace.

Iruka walked beside Naruto, both to help younger man walk and because he didn't want to stray too far from the blonde. Kakashi walked a couple of feet behind them. Iruka didn't like the idea of the older man being behind him but he didn't trust him to be any closer to Naruto than he already was. So he settled for having the white haired shinobi to protect the rear while he positioned himself to deflect any attacks form the front. It was a paranoid action but it was well warranted.

People were staring. Villagers and shinobi alike were quick to move as far away from them as possible but not far enough to take their eyes away. Some wore their fear in plain sight while others seemed wary of them. But it was the ones that radiated their anger at the sight of the quiet blonde next to him that kept Iruka close to Naruto. Though all of it, Naruto never bothered to acknowledge the people around him.

Darkness That Binds Him (ItaNaru) |Under Editing|Where stories live. Discover now