Chapter~ 10

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Ino was worried. It was a feeling that wasn't uncommon nowadays. This time, however, her focus was entirely on Sakura. With everyone so worried about recent events, Ino hadn't had the chance to see how everyone else was coping, which was why she was currently standing in front of Sakura's family house, a vase of flowers firmly in her hand. With her free hand, Ino knocked on the door and waited patiently for a response.

A lady in her early 50's was the one to answer the door. There was a smile on her face when she saw it was Ino at her front door.

"Ah, hello Ino. It's good to see you," the woman said.

"It's good to see you too Mrs. Haruno," Ino responded, smiling back brightly.

Mrs. Haruno was a relatively tall woman with graying strawberry blonde hair that was always wrapped neatly in a bun at the back of her head. Her eyes were a few shades darker than her daughter's, an almost emerald green compared to her daughter's jade.

Stepping back from the door, Mr. Haruno made a welcoming gesture with her hands, inviting Ino inside.

"I suppose you're here to see Sakura?" Mrs. Haruno asked softly, taking an occasional glance at the staircase across the room.

Ino nodded slightly, but gave a verbal confirmation when she saw that Mrs. Haruno was facing away from her. Mrs. Haruno sighed sadly and sat down wearily in a chair by the door.

"I'm worried about my little girl. She's been so upset lately. She hasn't come out of her room in days. Although I can understand, given everything that has happened..." She paused, giving Ino a pleading look. "I would be so grateful if you would go talk to her, help ease a mother's worries?"

Ino nodded. "Of course I'll go talk to her."

Ino turned towards Sakura's mother and held out the vase. Mrs. Haruno accepted the gift with a smile.

"Thank you dear."

Ino smiled and headed towards the stairwell. Going up the stairs, she took a right when she made it to the top. Sakura's room was just at the end of the hallway, the door was shut against intruders. Ino stood outside and knocked softly, but firmly on the door.

"Sakura?" The sound of fabric rustling was her only response.

Ino grabbed the handle to the door and twisted it to the right, pushing the door open slightly.

Sakura's room was a mess—which was the complete opposite of its usual cleanliness. Clothes were thrown across the room, books and clothes lay haphazardly on the floor. From the corner of her eye, Ino could see several trays of food that looked barely touched.

Sakura sat against her headboard, her hands covered her face. Ino could still see the tear tracks and the shaking of her shoulders when she let out a soundless sob. Ino looked sadly at her friend and say down next to her on the bed. She embraced Sakura gently, her arms wrapping around Sakura's shoulders in a silent gesture of comfort.

"Oh, Sakura." Ino whispered softly. "I'll be okay."

Sakura let out another sob, pushing Ino away. "No it won't. It'll never be okay."

Ino didn't attempt to touch her again, knowing it wouldn't do any good at the moment.

"Yes it will, you just have to keep trying." Ino truly hoped she wasn't lying to herself and to her friend.

Sakura moved away from the bed. She grabbed a pillow before she got too far away and threw it across the room to join the others on the floor.

"You don't get it!" Sakura yelled at her, her face a bright red.

Darkness That Binds Him (ItaNaru) |Under Editing|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें