Chapter~ 8

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Moving swiftly, Kakashi and Tsunade took a protective stance in front of the younger shinobi while Shikamaru and Sakura both took a position that let them easily cover Naruto's bed from the immediate danger. Their eyes never left the Uchiha, and were wary for any movement. Sasuke, on the other hand, only continued to crouch on the windowsill. None of the occupants of the room moved, their bodies still and tense. Sasuke simply observed the scene, his eyes roaming over each of them in turn until his gaze landed upon eyes of an unusually discolored blue. The eyes were seemingly blank and empty as marbles except for a brief flash of recognition. Sasuke's smirk didn't falter as the empty blue eyes were replaced in his sight with the green of a jonin's vest.

Raising his eyes, Sasuke looked slightly bemused at the nerve of his former sensei daring to use the Sharingan against him. "How amusing."

Tsunade was the first to find her voice. "How dare you show your face here." Her voice was low and held both obvious venom and tension.

Sasuke tilted his head, feigning confusion. "I thought that you despised the dobe? After all, aren't you why he's like this? You allowed him to be slowly killed by that prison and those people because you couldn't deal with the guilt. Ha! If you had truly believed for a second that your precious grandson was innocent, you wouldn't have been so quick to condemn him." Shrugging his shoulders, he continued. "But that's Naruto for you. Always so trusting in his 'precious people'. Always so willing to put his well being in the hands of others." Black eyes looked mockingly at them. "And look what happens."

If possible, Tsunade's face lit up in even more fury. She subconsciously took a step forward. The Uchiha was fucking with them, hoping to use their guilty feelings against them.

Kakashi looked behind the Uchiha and out the window. He quickly noticed that the ANBU that were stationed around the building had yet to make an appearance. He looked at Sasuke. Sasuke sent him a knowing look.

"Oh, don't worry Kakashi-sensei. I made sure that we weren't going to be interrupted." He paused. "Though, I must admit I find it offensive that you think that a few mere ANBU would stand a chance against me. I thought you would have learned that lesson by now."

Thinking of possible ways of attack, Tsunade inwardly cursed at their predicament. They couldn't fight in a place so public and filled with the injured without severe consequences. She doubted that the Uchiha would be magnanimous enough to put his plans on hold so they could move to a more open area. She was betting that Kakashi was thinking the same thing.

"What do you want Sasuke?" Sasuke's smirk faded and turned into a glare aimed at Sakura. She and Shikamaru stood, kunai in hand, in front of Naruto. The pinkette stared unflinchingly back at him. Her body shook a little but she held her ground and didn't waver.

How very brave of her.

"You are of no value to me. I'm only here for Uzumaki." The smirk was back in full force now. "If you give him to me, I'll leave peacefully."

"Screw you!" The uncharacteristic curse that flew from Shikamaru's mouth surprised the other occupants in the room for a split second before the sound of laughter filled the room.

The crazed sound emitting from Sasuke's mouth sent chills down Sakura's spine, but she held her ground, never moving from her position beside Naruto.

As suddenly as the sound started, it abruptly stopped. The eerie quiet that followed set them on edge, uncertainty flowing through each of the Konoha shinobi.

"How can someone ignore the truth that's staring them straight in the face? You all go around swearing that you will stay with him and protect him from anything that would cause him harm. All ofyou are what caused him to need protecting in the first place! I might have set everything into motion, but it was all of you who betrayed that oh so precious "trust" you claimed to have in him! All of you put him in that prison and left him there! You are the ones that put him in that hospital bed! All of you betrayed him and his trust in you! He could never be in good hands being here with you."

Darkness That Binds Him (ItaNaru) |Under Editing|Where stories live. Discover now