"When do you?" Jason said and stroked my head, playing with my hair.

"Maybe in a hour?" I asked after thinking for a while. "Or when this episode is over." He nodded and we continued watching TV until it was over.

It was surprisingly dark outside and I had this odd feeling someone was watching us as we walked out on the porch. I shivered a little as a small gush of wind came and left.

We stripped out of our clothes and I did as Jason had told me; Focus on yourself as a wolf. Think about your soft white fur and how it moves in the wind. Think of every sense in your body getting higher and every sent stronger. Think about your paws running on the soft grass and jumping over dead trees and roots. Think about every bone in your body breaking and changing. It will hurt but you will get used to it. Over time you won't even feel it and you only need to picture yourself as a wolf and will it.

I felt my first bone snap and looked at my leg. It was totally bent the wrong way and a silent tear slipped out of my eye. I felt all my other bones crack, like the first time I shifted, but this time I went with the flow.

Before I knew it I was standing on the porch in wolf form looking at Jason. His eyes sparkled and his white fur flowed in the wind. 'Ready?' he asked. I nodded and we walked off the porch and towards the forest.

I looked around, still feeling that someone was watching us. 'Hey, you ok?' he asked me and pulled me back to reality.

'Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm fine,' I said and he nodded slowly, not completely convinced. I jumped onto his back and bit him playfully. He threw me off and attacked me. I got up and sprinted away from him.

I had only been running for a few minutes when I stumbled into a big root and face planted into the mud. I gaged in my mind and got up. I looked back to see Jason giving me a wolfish grin. I growled at him and noticed this was the first time I had ever growled at him, or anyone actually. He gestured for me to follow him and I did.

We came out to a big opening and I saw a beautiful lake. I ran and jumped right into it. It felt great getting all the mud and new dirt off of me. Jason came in after me and scooped some water into his mouth to help me clean off.

'Today has been so fun, but can we go back? I'm tired,' I asked and he nodded. I got out and shook my fur, water flying everywhere. Jason did the same and we ran towards the cabin.

As we walked up in front of the house I got a weird feeling, again, like someone was watching us. I let out a quiet growl and looked around. 'Baby, what's wrong?' Jason asked and I looked at him and immediately the tension in my body, that I didn't know I had, relaxed and disappeared.

'All day I've had this weird feeling that someone is watching us,' I told him and noticed how insane it sounded now.

My body tensed and my head shot around when we heard a gunshot. Jason did the same, but he let out a warning growl too. I felt something sharp right by my tail and looked at my tail. A red dart was stuck in my skin and I began feeling dizzy. 'Jason?!' I managed to whisper as I saw him get his by a dart and I saw about ten men walking towards us. I collapsed on the ground with Jason and everything went black.


Question: If there was one thing you could change about this story so far, what would it be?

When I read other stories I HATE cliffhangers, but now I'm giving you one?!


Happy Valentines Day!!

Vote, share, comment!

Love you all!!


Also, what's going on? Go read my new book that I started!! Its called Alpha Xavier

(Heres a picture)

(Heres a picture)

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