Chaptr 17

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Grace's POV

I was on the computer reviewing some questions for science, since I couldn't be at school because I was due in a few weeks. I was starting to get excited and nervous at the same time, what if something went wrong during the delivery? My mother told me not to worry, but it was hard. I had three children inside of me, and I knew once they came out they would be a big handful. The nursery was coming along pretty well, we had to convert my dad's office into it so the babies would be closer to me. I had chosen the colour yellow for the walls since it's a neutral colour for boys and girls, there were 3 cribs two of them were next to each other which were the boys and the other one for the girl was on the other side of the room. Sean and I had chosen the names, and we ended up coming up with Danielle for the girl, Dalek and Hunter for the boys. My mom didn't like the name Dalek too much, but I turned into a huge Doctor Who fan over the past few months even though they are the things that yell "EXTERMINATE!" At the Doctor, I still liked the name call me weird I don't care.

I decided to take a break from homework and text Sean, he should be on his lunch break at school.

Me: Hey babe, I miss you <3

I felt one of the babies kick, the Doctor said it would be normal since that's just part of the process of pregnancy.

"Grace!" I heard my name being called from downstairs.

"What?!" I shouted back.

"Kara is here!" My mom said.

I hadn't seen Kara in a long time, she's been busy with school and work since she recently got a job at Subway she's been working a lot.

"Send her up" I said back to my mom.

I turned off the computer and went to clean up my room super quickly since it was kind of a mess, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and soon she entered my room.

"Grace! It's been so long, look at you." Kara said and came over to hug me.

"Yeah I know right, it seems like forever. I know I'm so fat." I said and sat down on the bed.

'You're not fat, you have 3 children inside of you. How have you been doing?" She asked me and sat down beside me.

"Yeah that's true, and I've been good ready to pop these babies out already my back hurts a lot and I wattle everywhere like a penguin, I hope they come soon and aren't late. What about you? How's school anything new?" I asked her.

"You're an adorable penguin, and I'm alright the History teacher Mr Acer gave us a 5 page essay to write on something to do with history and it's due like next week and I haven't even started so I'm kind of stressed out with that. School's fine, nothing really new only that oh my god you'll never guess what happened today!" She exclaimed.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Remember how John and Casey were dating? Well a teacher caught John with this chick named Donna, and Casey was so mad for at John that she poured hot coffee down his shirt and broke up with him right there and I've heard that it burnt him really badly." She said.

Donna had just moved here a few months ago and was the new school slut apparently.

"Aw I feel so bad for Casey, John and her were dating for almost a year it's a shame he had to cheat on her." I told her

I felt my phone vibrate and took it out of my pocket and saw it was a new text message from Sean that said " I miss you too, sorry I can' t come over later I'm working an extra shift. Love you <3"

"Figures" I muttered.

"What is it?' Kara asked me.

"Oh it's just Sean, he has an extra shift today at work and he can't come over again. That's the 2nd time this week" I told her.

It all started with a test (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now