Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

3 week's later.

Sean's parent's finally warmed up to the idea of me being pregnant, and so did the people at school, I would occansily get a slut or whore comment, but just ignored. I have been pregnant for 6 weeks, and starting to show a little bit, at least this gets me out of gym yay! I hate gym ugh, I  just got into health class waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"So what are you going to name it? Kara asked

"I don't know, depends on if it's a girl or a boy"

"Yeah I guess your right, are you going to find out?"

"Me and Sean haven't decided yet, but I don't want to"

"Oh okay"

Just then the teacher walked in. "Today class we are going to be learning about how a women get's pregnant" Mr. Stall said

"Shouldn't Grace know all about that?" Somebody shouted.The class laughed

"Shut up" I said back.

"Class settle down, and I think Grace is going to make a lovely mother"

"Thank you Mr.Stall"

"My pleasure, now when you get to 15 or 20 years of age, and you like a guy or girl what ever your preference is and you get serious, all these hormones start to come over and you want more, and soon you will be naked and in bed somebody"

"Grace is 15, she shouldn't be having a kid now, her hormones aren't even a live yet, I bet she's lying  just to get attention, she hasn't even had her period yet" Hilary said

I hate her so much, she's a bitch

"Shut up and just listen to the lesson, and it's my business not your's Hilary!"

"Anyway's as I was saying before I got interrupted"

"Yeah Hilary your right, she probably is just saying that to become popular, she never was, and she doesn't even have boobs, even they did do it I bet it's going to be an ugly baby, cuz Sean and Grace are both ugly, or she could just be fat like some people are fat and other people think they are pregnant"

"Can you just the hell up Mandy! I am trying to listen!"

"Why doesn't Grace just teach the lesson, she's knows about everything since she did it with Sean, I bet you payed him to get you pregnant, just so people would notice you" Mandy shot back

"As I said before shut the fuck up Mandy!"

"Mandy, Grace and Hilary settle down if one of you makes a mean comment like that again all of you will be sent to the principles office!"

"I feel sorry for her parent's, when they where having sex they where probably thinking that the baby was going to be really cute and adorable, but instead  they came up with that. I don't get it, since her sister is really pretty and so are her parent's, that they could come up with that ugly bitch, and since she's an ugly bitch her baby is probably going to be an ugly bitch to."


"Alright that's it! Mandy, Grace and Hilary go to the office now!" Mr. Stall yelled

I grab my stuff and walk to the office, Mandy and Hilary follow shortly after me.

"And who sent all of you here?" the receptionist asked

" Mr.Stall, we where fighting and he said to go to the office so here we are"
I told her

" Alright I'll tell Mr.Crop your here and he can deal with you, just take a seat and I'll call you when he's ready"

" Okay" Mandy said.

Me, Mandy and Hilary walk into the principle's office.

"Girl's sit down" Mr.Crop said

I sit down on the middle chair, I hope I won't get into much trouble.

"So, what happened Grace?"

"Well, I was in health class and me and Kara were talking about baby names and what not, then the teacher came in and said that he would be teaching us about how a women gets preagnate"

I looked at him, to see if i should stop. "Keep going"

"And then Hilary said Shouldn't Grace know all about that, and I told her to shut up and then Mady said Yeah Hilary your right, she probably is just saying that to become popular, she never was, and she doesn't even have boobs, even if  they did do it I bet it's going to be an ugly baby, cuz Sean and Grace are both ugly, or she could just be fat like some people are fat and other people think they are pregnant and then a bunch of other stuff, then I told her to shut up"

"Hilary and Mandy what made you guy's say those things to Grace?"

"Well Mr.Crop, we didn't mean to it's just so hard, my mom is pregnant and she has bad mood swings, and I she yells at me, and school is the only place that I can get away from that, but now that Grace is pregnant, she has terrible mood swings and well when she yelled at us before the teacher came in, I just wanted to get back at her,  I didn't mean to get her angry, those harsh words reminded me of home"

Hilary started crying, OMFG that was all a lie! ugh can't wait to her Mandy's story.

"That's a total lie Mr.Crop!" I told him

"Well I don't think it is, people who are pregnant can get pretty moody, Mandy what's your story?"

"Well you see, my aunt came in yesterday and she's pregnant to, and she's staying with us until her baby is born cause her husband is off in Iraq, and she thinks that something might go wrong, and she also has mood swings, and she's due any day and it's hard cause she's making us all stressed out, and then Grace started yelling at us and then I-"

Mandy started crying, after about a minute or so the principle finally makes a decision.

"Well from hearing both sides of the story's I think Grace, you should go home and try and cool down, and maybe talk to your doctor about getting some pills, I'll excuse you from class you may leave now"

"What? But there story's aren't even true! It's all a lie!"

"I don't think it is, now out"

I walk out of the principle's office with Mandy and Hilary behind me. They started laughing as soon as we where out of the office.

"You guy's are such liar's!"

"So, we got you in trouble"


I grab my stuff and walk home.


heey guy's longer chapter :D Thanks for all the reads btw :D Check out Jane's story Blood Moon ( A vampire diary story) I think it's called lol anyway's as always...





-Faith :D

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