Chapter 8

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Grace's POV

I was looking at mom, all beaten up I couldn't believe that my dad did that to her.

"Is the baby okay?" She kept on asking, nobody would answer her.

"Grace" My mom called

"Yeah mom?"

"Go ask if the baby is okay for me please"


A nurse comes in the room.

"Excuse me can I talk to you for a second?"

"Ya sure what's up kid?"

"Well my name is Grace, and my mother Tracy is wondering about her baby can you tell me anything about it?"

"Yeah I can, just not here let's step out in the hall"


We step out into the hall.

"The baby is fine"

"That's great! I can't wait to tell her!"

"Well Grace, you can't"

"What? Why"

"The man who your mother thought got her pregnant, is not the father"

"What? Well I guess that does makes sense, I mean what person start's puking after having sex 2 day's ago? Wait so your saying the father is my dad?"

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, and we better tell your dad before he does get a divorce, we better tell the other man that it's not his child"

"My mom's going to freak"

"Yes that's why we can't tell her until she's better"

"But what do I say, she's going to ask about the baby"

"Go inside and get your sister"

"Um alright"

I go back inside the room.

"So what did they say?" My mom asked me

"The baby is going to fine"

"Great! I can't wait to tell Carl"

"Uh Becky the nurse want's to talk to you and me"


Me and Becky go out into the hall.

"What? Are you kidding me? We have to tell him?" Becky told the nurse, once she herd the news.

"Yes you do, but wait a couple of day's until things cool down"

"Okay, I told my mom that the baby was okay"

"Good, but not any of the other stuff"


Later that day.

Me, Sean and Becky where eating lunch in the cafeteria.

"So what are you guy's going to name it?" Becky kept asking us.

"We don't know, if it's a boy I like the name Scotty, and if it's a girl I like the name Ariel" I told her.

"I like the name Ariel for a girl, but I don't like Scotty for a guy" Sean told me

"Well if it's a girl then it's name will be Ariel, and if it's a boy then I don't know"

"I'm going to check on mom, so I'll be right back" I told them.

Just as I was going to see mom I saw him. What does he want?

"Hey Grace, Iv'e missed you so much!" My father then hugged me, I didn't trust him after what he did to my mother. I could smell beer in his breath, he had been drinking great.

"Ya dad I've missed you to" I really didn't I was glad he was gone.

"I'm just going to check on your mother" he said

"Ya I was going there to"

"Okay great, we can go there together!" he said in a happy tone.

Me and my dad walked in my mom's room.

"Hey mom, look who came to see you!" I said

"I don't want to talk to him" She said to my dad.

"Look Tracy, I'm really sorry I just got mad, but I have to tell something"

"What is it?"

"I just realized that the baby in your stomach is mine, and I'm sorry" I guess it's true what they say about people who have been drinking the truth comes out.

"No it's not! Your lying James!" My mom screamed at him.

The nurse's came in the room to see what the yelling was about.

"What's going on?" One of the nurse's asked

"My father. just told my mother that the baby is his" I told the nurse's

"Is that true?" My mom asked the nurse's.

"Yes Tracy, I'm afraid it's true"

"What? You've got to be kidding me! I don't want this child after what he did to me!"

"It's true Tracy, we wanted to tell you later, but I guess he beat us to it"

"Mom please consider keeping it' I told her

"No I don't want it! I want it dead, when can you do that?"

"Tomorrow morning"The nurse's told her

"Okay thank you, Jame's don't ever come back here! I'm glad we are getting a divorce!"

"I came here to tell you I'm sorry and that I don't want one! But now I do! I can see how cruel you are towards our baby! I'll be back so you can sign the divorce papers!"

"Fine with me!"

My dad left the room, leaving me and the Nurse's.

"Grace why don't you go home with Becky, Sean can stay over if you want" My mom said

"Alright mom I'll visit you tomorrow after school or something like that"

"Okay sweetie"

I go over to her bed and give her a kiss, and whisper in her ear.

"Please think about keeping the baby mom, for me and Becky and my baby?"

"I'll think about it Grace"

I go to the cafeteria and find Becky and Sean and tell them that we have to go home. I really hope that mom would at least think of keeping the baby.


Hey guy's hope you liked this chapter :D Next one should be up soon anyways..





-Faith :D

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