Chapter 15

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Tracey's POV

"I'm sorry, but you've had a miscarriage." Those words they just kept on repeating over and over in my head. I couldn't believe it, I was looking forward to having another child around the house even if it meant a lot of work. Becky is getting older now and is graduating this year, and Grace she's pregnant with triplets! They grow up so fast I can't believe it, where has the time gone? I just wish they were little babies again and I can hold them in my arms and tell them everything is going to be alright, that nobody is going to hurt them. Why does life have to suck right now? I wish this baby would have lived, but I mean maybe its a sign?

*Knock, Knock* I heard it on the door interrupting my thoughts.

“Come in" I said and got under the covers, I was suddenly cold.

In walked my ex husband, what was he doing here? I really didn't want him here. He has no business being here at all, he's probably sleeping with some women anyways.

"Look I know I'm not your favourite person at the moment, but Grace called me and I couldn't leave her and Becky here all alone, so I came here. I heard the news and I am truly sorry for your loss, I mean its our loss isn't it? Since its my baby to." He said and walked in the room.

I guess he was doing the right thing in coming here. I didn't want Grace and Becky being left alone.

"I guess you're right, thanks for coming and it is sad I just can't believe that our baby its gone.” I said and began crying. James came over to my bed and sat down beside me.

“I know it’s sad, but just look at what we’ve been extremely blessed with. Grace and Becky, and Grace is having triplets, how many parents can say that? Not many, it’s going to be alright Tracey.” James  said and then hugged me, I began to sob.

“Shh, it’s going to be alright. I’m sure you can go home soon.” John said and then hugged me tighter, I missed this it felt nice to hug him I felt safe just for this moment. I just want to go home, I hate this hospital they deliver horrible news.

Grace's POV

I was walking up to my mom's room to go visit her, I was about to walk in when I saw my dad and her hugging, it was a nice family moment anyone else looking in would of thought they were the perfect couple, but they weren't. I decided to leave them and come back later I started my way to Sean's room I was really tired, this had been a long day. I made it to his room and came in this time he was awake and his parents were here.

"Hello Grace, we just heard the news that's wonderful, congratulations! I'm so sorry about your mother, that must be awful how are you doing?" Sean's mother asked me.

"Thank you, I'm really happy also and it is. I'm doing alright taking awhile for everything to sink in, but I'm going good kind of tired though." I said and then yawned. I'm guessing that Doctor Seth told Sean about my mother.

"Come over here and lye down beside me Grace." Sean said, I went over beside him and laid down with him.

"Thank you, when do you get to go home?" I asked him and put my head against his chest.

"As soon as the doctor comes back, my parents have already signed the forms and now we're just waiting for him to come and the nurse so I can get this darn IV out of me." Sean said.

"Ok that's awesome." I said, Sean was in the clothes that he wore here I guess he changed.

"When you get home Sean, make sure to follow the doctor's orders ok? Bed rest for 1 week and that means no school, I don't want your grades to be dropping survely okay? So somebody is going to have to bring your homework home for you." Sean's dad said, he made sure that Sean did good in school and that he was very strict when it came to schooling.

"I will dad don't worry, all of the work and everything is posted on the website so I can do it at home and I have the texts book at home already do it's just a matter of me learning it, and for English Grace can help me with it because we have that class together." Sean said, I smiled my eyes felt really heavy I could hear voices they were fading in and out then I was out.

"Grace, wake up it's time to go now." A voice said I could feel some one shaking me I opened my eyes and saw it was Sean shit! I fell asleep.

I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes, the IV was out and he was all set to go.

"Sorry, how long was I out for?" I asked him.

"About 20 minutes, no big deal you've had a rough day." Sean said.

"Do you need a ride home?"  Sean's mom asked me.

I still hadn't visited my mom yet, and I had no idea where Becky or even Kara was! I really wanted to visit my mom, but I also wanted to go home, shower and go to sleep.

"I still have to visit my mom, and I have no idea where Becky or Kara is so I have to find them." I said and got up from the bed.

"Becky came in here to find you and saw you were sleeping, she didn't want to wake you so she wanted to tell you that Kara's dad came to pick her up and that she is visiting your mother and you can visit her later if you want." Sean said.

"Oh ok, then yes please I'd like a ride home if it's not to much trouble. Do you mind if I  stop by the front desk? I have to make my next appointment." I said. Sean got up and put his shoes on.

"It's no trouble at all, and it's already done. It's on February 14 at 10:00 am, I hope that's alright you can change it if you want to." Sean said.

"Oh no that's perfect thanks, do you think I should find out my due date by then? But I'll be 5 months in like 2 weeks and can they even do that?"   I asked.

"I'm sure it's possible and everything, but talk it over with your mom. Alright do you have everything? We can go now." Sean's mom said.

In these past few months, Sean's mother and I have grown close and she's like a second sister to me.

We all left the hospital, Sean and I were holding hands as we were walking out to the car. I sent a text to Becky telling her that I would be going home. Once  I got home I stripped out of my clothes and had a nice hot shower, I couldn't believe that 3 babies were growing in my stomach right now! Once I had a shower I decided to take a nap.

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