"My secretary never calls. I think there's no much important things today." He said, and glanced at his phone which he placed beside him for a short while.

I looked down to his phone, then took it up. I tried to open it but I wasn't able to guess the password.

"What is it, Jiahui?"

"Erm, password?" I shook his phone slightly and asked. He just showed me a mysterious smile then turned back focusing on driving once again. I pressed my lips together into a thin line and started thinking. I entered 1007, as it's his birthday, but I wasn't.

I then entered 0725, my birthday. I was kind of surprise when it was unlocked.

"I thought that with that, people wouldn't easily guess my password." Yixing suddenly spoke. I felt really warmhearted. This is the first time I've ever seen someone besides of Xueyu setting my birthday as his or her password.

"Thank you, Yixing." I said in a low voice.

"Thanking me for what?"

"For loving me like this, like no one had ever done. Doing things for me that no one had ever done for me. I'm really grateful, Yixing."

"Silly, you're my girlfriend. If I don't love you, who am I suppose to love." He reached out his hands and ruffled my hair. "Anyways, I'm still sorry for not telling beforehand that I am studying with you. I just want to give you a surprise. So, am I forgiven now?"

"Apology accepted." I smiled and said. I saw Yixing's corner of lips formed a small smile too, showing his dimple. The dimple really makes him look even more attractive when he already is without smiling.

Yixing is really really good in sweet words and he really knows how to make me get speechless each time he told me all those sweet words. Not only words, acts are important too.

When we're out for dates, he'll hug me out of nowhere, or suddenly wrap his arms around my waist, dragging me closer to him, ruffle my hair, kiss the top of my head, pinch my cheeks, or take my hand and put it into his pocket. I found everything that he done towards me sweet, making me wondering if this is really his first time having a girlfriend. He's totally an expert in this kind of things.

Thinking about this, I looked up and asked, "Yixing-ah, where do you learn all those sweet words from?"

"Sweet words? Well, I watch dramas sometimes." He said. "And Jiahui, that's what I really think, I meant every words that I said."

"Ahh." I nodded. I then looked down to the phone and found that there's a lot a lot of messages and it's from Yixing's secretary, Zitao.

"Yixing-ah, you should go to your company for a while after dropping me by the mall." I said, putting back his phone. "Your secretary sent you a lot a lot of messages." I said.

"Alright. Just...call me when you're done shopping with Xueyu. Oh, and remember to tell her that we will treat her for lunch this Saturday, and other of your friends."

"Lunch? This Saturday?"

"Yeah. I should also meet your friends, isn't it? Letting them know who their friend and dating." He smiled.

"Ahh...I'll tell them." I nodded.


"Lunch? Together with Mr. Zhang?" Crystal's eyes widened and asked. She shook my hands slightly and asked, "Jiahui-ah, am I dreaming?"

"No you're not." Jingxiu said and stuffed a piece of grilled pork into Crystal's mouth. We're in a Korean restaurant, having grilled pork all by ourselves.

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