Chapter Fourteen

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*Knight's perspective*

I can't believe I got so lucky. It's been a long time since I had 'A New Muse' put up in the gallery. A quick catch up? So I lived with Auntie for a few years before moving out and living with Laura and Olivia. A year later Olivia moved out to live with her long-time boyfriend. It was good timing as well because I wanted to move to the next step with Laura.

I had taken her for a surprise holiday on Valentine's day and I asked her to marry me. Where we were didn't matter too much, it was just a few towns over in a four-star hotel. 

"Yes!" Laura shouted when I asked her. We hugged, cried and kissed. And other stuff, but that's also not important. Two days later we returned to our home. Excitedly, we planned the wedding and a year later we were wife and wife. 

That was about five years ago now. 

Laura had aged up a lot even though she was only twenty-seven. However she only became more and more beautiful. I had grown up a lot as well. Many people commented on that but my fashion changed. I wore bandannas, hipster glasses and shirts that were three sizes too big and were almost always covered in paint. Laura traded in her floral dresses for more work-appropriate clothing, although she did wear an old dress every now and then. She now worked in human resources for a local business that had grown immensely. 

I had taken a job at the art gallery and submitted many pieces over the years. However nothing I submitted was permanent as I allowed it to stay for six months before moving it to storage so that I could put another piece in the gallery. As soon as I had enough pieces, I intend to open my own gallery. Auntie even said she'd help me but she was getting on in years. She had taken over and became the owner of the gallery and I knew she had intended to make me the next owner. I could save up for a while, do some construction and then have an extension for my work.

"Babe!" I heard Laura shout. I had been sitting in my home art studio for an hour thinking intensely. I immediately stormed from the room and ran up the stairs, two at a time. I was expecting the worst but I was greeted by Laura sitting on the toilet (lid down) holding a pregnancy test with a large grin.

"Are we-?" I asked, Laura nodded her head excitedly. We had been trying to get pregnant for about two years. We had been trying what seemed like everything but neither of us seemed overly fertile, the doctor basically said. We had been losing hope, and money, but it finally worked. We both made good money, but this had taken out a large portion of our savings.

"I love you," I kissed Laura passionately before giving her and warm cuddle, being careful not to touch her abdomen in chance I jinxed it.

"I love you too," Laura said with an even bigger grin.  

"I can't wait," I laughed at the thought that this time next year I could have a son or a daughter. 

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