Chapter Three

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*Laura's perspective*

Olivia had texted me Sunday night asking me if I was coming to college on Monday. I responded with a simple 'Yes' before typing out 'We need to talk'. I sent it and the butterflies in my stomach made me feel sick. I didn't send her anything else or answer her when she asked if anything was wrong. Instead, I just turned off my phone. I had turned on my laptop, making sure I opened nothing else but Youtube. I put it onto my playlist and listened to all my favourite songs until I fell asleep.

I overslept. As I had turned off my phone, I had also turned off my alarm.

I had a quick shower, changed, put some coffee in a flask and grabbed an apple before leaving. The college wasn't a far walk. Nothing was a far walk really. Stella was small. I was at the college in about ten minutes but I was partly jogging. The only time I walked was went I chugged the coffee. I didn't even bother trying to drink and jog at the same time, last time I did it I had to go home again and change which only made me later.

I had left my lanyard at home by accident but a boy in his second year had let me in. I had a tutor session for Sociology on Monday mornings' as I was behind. The session was an hour and then I would have to wait around for another hour before my next lesson.

I plonked myself down in my usual seat for my session but the teacher wasn't here. There was only one other person in the room, and that was Knight.

"Mrs Caster isn't in so I'll be doing your session today. Don't worry, I'm great at Sociology." Knight said with a souless voice. She seemed less enthusiastic than she had on Saturday. Then again, now that I think about it I don't think I've ever seen her enthusiastic apart from Saturday.

"Awesome." I said sarcastically. Knight turned to face me and then smiled. I don't think she even knew I was the person she was tutoring today.

"Laura, right?" Knight asked.

"Yeah." I pulled out my Sociology textbook and notebook, hoping that we'd start working straight away.

"I didn't tell anyone." Knight said suddenly.

"Tell anyone what?" I played dumb.

"About Pride." Knight responded. She turned away from me and began tapping away at the Mrs Casters' computer.

It had started awkwardly but by the end of the lesson we were playing this game where you have fifteen seconds to think of and make an argument and then the next person would have fifteen seconds to do the same and that went on until someone couldn't argue their side any longer. We played a few games. Knight was right, she was good at Sociology. Out of the four games we played, she had won three of them. I suspect she had let me win the fourth one out of pity. It was a little obvious. Knight was definitely more happy now.

"We should play again sometime." I said. "I might even beat you without you letting me win next time."

"Maybe," Knight said. She tilted her head and smiled. If I wasn't gay before, I was now. The butterflies were back but this time I didn't want to throw up. This time I just wanted to hold her hand and never let it go.

"Babe, you done?" I turned to see who said that. It was the girl who had put her arm around Knight on Saturday. I didn't realise they were an item until now. To be honest, I thought she may have been drunk at Pride.

"We just finished." Knight held out her hand. I shook it awkwardly, knowing that her girlfriend was watching us.

"Hey, Knight," I said just as Knight walked to the door. She turned around and tilted her head again when she looked at me. Gosh, she was so beautiful. "I'm still behind in Sociology, do you mind if we have another session at some point?"

"Here's my number," Knight pulled out a scrap of paper and a pen and wrote something down before folding the paper and handing it to me. Her girlfriend watched me like a hawk. I didn't bother opening it and instead put it into my jacket pocket.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Laura?" Knight's girlfriend asked quickly. Knight nudged her, embarrassed. I was about to respond when Olivia turned up. She always met me after my session. I smiled at Knight and her girlfriend before leaving with Olivia, knowing that I had just ignored her. I had quietly thanked Knight as I walked past her but apart from that no one said anything.

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