Chapter Seven

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*Olivia's Perspective*

I am not angry. I am apoplectic. 

I have been best friends with Laura since we were small children. We don't lie to each other. We don't keep secrets. What was she thinking?

"Olivia?" I turned to see Todd standing coolly behind me. We were standing at the back of the college where no one could see us. Todd flicked a cigarette bud to the ground and squished it with his shoe.

"Hey, Todd," I responded awkwardly. Todd only took two A Levels compared to everyone else's three. That meant that he didn't have to come to college as much as everyone else. He only comes in two days a week, which often made seeing him a surprise even though we know he comes in Mondays and Thursdays.

"What's up your butt today, Princess?" Todd laughed. I didn't get on with Todd as well as Laura did. Todd was a fun guy once you get to know him, but until then he could be a bit of an ass. I personally do not like it when he refers to me as 'Princess'.

"Nothing, Laura just lied to me," I said in a forced voice. "No big deal. Besties always lie to each other."

"Is this because of her being gay?" Todd asked but immediately regretted it.

"You knew? How does everyone know but me?" I cried out.

"She was worried and needed to talk to someone in the same situation as her, that's all. She isn't playing favourites, Princess." Todd said. I thought for a moment and realised what he meant. I think I could forgive Todd knowing before me, but Laura should have still told me. What's there to be scared of? She knows I love her and wouldn't hurt her, no matter what.

"What's the problem?" Todd asked.

"She told some girl she barely knew about it." I responded quickly.

"Knight?" Todd asked. I nodded. "That wasn't purposely. Knight saw her at Pride."

"So, she didn't tell anyone?" I said slowly. "This was just one big misunderstanding?"

"Maybe you should go see Laura, Princess." Todd smiled at me. I nodded again but there was still something that bugged me.

"Who did she go to Pride with?"

"She went on her own." Todd said deeply that struck a chord in me. My best friend did something on her own because she was afraid of telling me. I thanked Todd quickly for talking to me and left. I was beginning to warm up to Todd. There was something appealing about him when he wasn't making dumb jokes every time he opened his mouth. He even only referred to me as Princess a few times, normally it's every other sentence he would drop it in casually.

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